글번호 : 138349587
작성일 : 20.06.12 | 조회수 : 3828
제목 : ★Application for 2020 Fall(Late Decision, 3rd round) International Undergraduate Admissions is OPEN /including admission guide | 글쓴이 : international | ||||||||||||||||||||||
첨부파일: Fall Admission guide(ENG)_20200605.pdf Fall Admission guide(JPN)_20200605.pdf Fall Admission guide(KOR)_20200605.pdf Fall Admission guide(CHN)_20200605.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2020학년도 9월 입학을 계획했던 해외 지원자들이 ‘코로나-19’로 국가행정 업무가 마비됨에 따라 주요 지원서류(최종학력 증명서 및 성적표)를 준비 못하는 상황이 발생하고 있습니다. 따라서, 지원자들의 상황을 고려하여 ‘부모가 모두 외국인인 외국인(9월)’ 3차 추가 전형 실시합니다.
The reason we have decided to conduct the third round of application for this semester is that those who had planned on applying for Fall 2020 are having difficulties doing so due to the COVID-19 situation. They are having a hard time getting their application documents, especially graduation diploma and transcript, ready for application. Thus, considering the current situation, we have chosen to conduct an additional round of application for international undergraduate admission.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear students,
The 2020 Fall International Undergraduate Admission (Late Decision, 3rdround) Application to Hankuk University of Foreign Studies opens on June 23rd, 2020.
Please note that Applicant with non-Korean nationality and both parents also having non-Korean nationality can only apply for international admission to HUFS. If you are an overseas Korean or Korean with dual citizenship, please contact our admission office. (http://adms.hufs.ac.kr)
To apply for International Admissions to HUFS for the 2020 Fall Admission, please refer to the information below;
1. Important Dates
※ All documents regarding admission should be delivered to the following address:
2. How to apply: Online Application http://ipsi1.uwayapply.com/foreign/interhufs/?CHA=5
※ Please note that only Internet Explorer is compatible with the online application system!!
3. Majors/Departments : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalhufs/English-Admission-Guide/Colleges-Departments
4. Tuition Fees: https://sites.google.com/view/internationalhufs/English-Admission-Guide/applicationandtuitionfees
5. Scholarships: https://sites.google.com/view/internationalhufs/English-Admission-Guide/scholarships
- Scholarships for successful candidates to any majors offered in our Global Campus - Scholarships for successful candidates who have completed at least two regular terms at our Center for Korean Language &Cultures - And more!!
6. Admission Guidelines |