글번호 : 140850236

작성일 : 20.08.04 | 조회수 : 1016

제목 : [Current_Job] Recruitment of USSUN-HUFS 2020 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: Recruitment Posters of USSUN-HUFS.pdf USSUN_HUFS Recruitment eng..hwp

< Recruitment of USSUN-HUFS 2020 >


 USSUN-HUFS Is Seeking New Members 


✅▶ Want to experience both academical and friendly uni club?


✅▶ Want to advance international understanding of the Silk-Road?


✅▶ Want to make best of the year of 2020?


① What is USSUN?

USSUN (United Students of the Silk-Road Universities Network)  is the association consisting of student representatives of member universities of SUN. It serves as a generator of new dreams and ambitions, keeping SUN young and lively. Recognizing and acknowledging the beauty of diversity as the reason to celebrate, students aim to pursue peace and prosperity through mutual understanding, spreading the harmony to the future, and exchanging the intellectual, religious and cultural ideas. We are engaged in various types of projects (either individual or group) for restoring the historical and cultural values of the Silk-Roads and their own countries. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies has been serving as the Chair University since 2015.


② What we do

The Students who are affiliated with USSUN have been participating in various educational, cultural programs ranging from annual meeting with other USSUN club members from other countries

Academic Research and discussion about issues related to Silk-Roads, Annual Workshops and etc.

Cultural – Organize/participate in various cultural activities

Expedition- Visiting/discovering historical places in Korea


*** Due to the pandemic, dates and activities may be subject to adjustment following discussions


③ What is SUN?

Silk-Road Universities Network aim to realize the vision of serving the world by undertaking diverse projects that restore the historical value of the ancient Silk-Road which has been a source of immense ride for centuries as the birth place of four major civilizations. With member Universities & Institutions in 28 nations 62 cities and 79 Universities & Institutions along the Silk-Road


④ Special benefits to the USSUN member students

Join USSUN-HUFS and get a privilege to participate various activities in SUN





receive an official certificate


- Provide discount for International Silk Road Tour held by SUN(Delayed)


⑤ Application Dead-line: August 24. (Mon.)


⑥ Whom we want - HUFSians

HUFS Students (International-Regular/exchange, Korean)

Anyone who interested in the Silk-Road and its culture

or Anyone from Silk-Road countries

* Must stay in Korea for at least one semester

** Students in Global campus are also welcomed but most of the off-line activities will be held in Seoul/Seoul campus


⑦ Apply link:



You can visit SUN Office in HUFS Main Building 9th floor room 909

For more information regarding SUN - www.sun-silkroadia.org


* For more information, please contact

English : 010-5683-7875 Doniyorbek Turaev

Korean : 010-2243-3773 Inhye Whang

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