글번호 : 85534314

작성일 : 16.11.23 | 조회수 : 375

제목 : ※ 2016 2학기 통계학과 두 번째 세미나 안내 글쓴이 : 통계학과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

※ 2016 2학기 통계학과 세미나 안내


● 2016년 2학기 2차 통계 세미나를 다음과 같이 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


일시 : 11월 29일 화요일 오후 4시 ~ 6시

장소 : 백년관 604호

대상 : 통계학과 학생 및 관심있는 인원

연사 : 강상욱(연세대학교 응용통게학과), 권순선(아주대학교 수학과)

주제 : 생존분석 및 의학통계



○ 세미나 내용

 - 강상욱(연세대학교 응용통계학과)

 제목 : Fitting semiparametric accelerated failure time models for nested case–control data

 초록 : A nested case–control (NCC) study is an efficient cohort-sampling design in which a subset of controls are sampled from the risk set at each event time. Since covariate measurements are taken only for the sampled subjects, time and efforts of conductng a full scale cohort study can be saved. In this paper, we consider fitting a semiparametric accelerated failure time model to failure time data from a NCC study. We propose to employ an efficient induced smoothing procedure for rank-based estimating method for regression parameters estimation. For variance estimation, we propose to use an efficient resampling method that utilizes the robust sandwich form. We extend our proposed methods to a generalized NCC study that allows a sampling of cases. Finite sample properties of the proposed estimators are investigated via an extensive stimulation study. An application to a tumor study illustrates the utility of the proposed method in routine data analysis.


 - 권순선(아주대학교 수학과)

 제목 : Applications of Statistical Models in Medical Research

 초록 : In medical research, there exist a variety of data structures such as serial data sets with different follow-up intervals and points, longitudinal data sets with missing values, data sets with multiple measurements for individual subjects (for example, measurements from left and right sides), and so on. Nowadays, statistical models have become an important tool in handling a big data of medical research. In this talk, I introduce various fields of statistics for application and interest things in medical research.


뜻깊고 도움이 되는 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 학생들의 참석을 부탁드립니다.


문의사항 : 031 330 4278 (통계학과 사무실)

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