글번호 : 96993405

작성일 : 17.09.29 | 조회수 : 302

제목 : SDGs, Development in Practice, and Korea 지속가능발전목표와 현장연계 국제개발 특강시리즈 글쓴이 : 경제학과
첨부파일 첨부파일: Poster_HUFS SL series_SDGs.jpg GSIAS SL_Douglass 170928.pdf

SDGs, Development in Practice, and Korea

지속가능발전목표와 현장연계 국제개발 특강시리즈


Every Thursday from 4.15-5.45pm

September 21st - November 2nd, 2017


Minerva International Conference Hall (B2, Main Bldg.)

Sept. 21   Humanitarian AssistanceMr. Jihong Song, Humanitarian Partnership Team Manager, Korean NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation

Sept. 28   Sustainable and Progressive CitiesProf. Michael Douglass, Professor and Leader of Asian Urbanisms Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

Oct. 12    EducationMs. Hyunsook Seo, Director, Division of Education, Korean National Commission for UNESCO


BRICs Hall (105, Graduate Bldg.)

Oct. 19      EnvironmentDr. Sangmin Nam, Deputy Director, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Oct. 26      Gender equalityMs. Youngsook Cho, Chair, International Solidarity Center, Korean Women’s Association United.

Nov. 2        HealthMs. Hyunkyong Kim, General Director, Korea Foundation for International Healthcare




*Everyone is welcome without prior registration.

* Please try to use public transportation as parking cannot be facilitated.


Inquiries: pltimes@naver.com


본 특강 시리즈는 2017HUFS특성화사업 예산 및 국제학부(DIS), 국제지역대학원(GSIAS)협찬으로 진행됩니다.



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