글번호 : 96993405
작성일 : 17.09.29 | 조회수 : 302
제목 : SDGs, Development in Practice, and Korea 지속가능발전목표와 현장연계 국제개발 특강시리즈 | 글쓴이 : 경제학과 |
첨부파일: Poster_HUFS SL series_SDGs.jpg GSIAS SL_Douglass 170928.pdf | |
SDGs, Development in Practice, and Korea 지속가능발전목표와 현장연계 국제개발 특강시리즈
Every Thursday from 4.15-5.45pm September 21st - November 2nd, 2017
Minerva International Conference Hall (B2, Main Bldg.) Sept. 21 Humanitarian Assistance/ Mr. Jihong Song, Humanitarian Partnership Team Manager, Korean NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation Sept. 28 Sustainable and Progressive Cities/ Prof. Michael Douglass, Professor and Leader of Asian Urbanisms Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore Oct. 12 Education/ Ms. Hyunsook Seo, Director, Division of Education, Korean National Commission for UNESCO
BRICs Hall (105, Graduate Bldg.) Oct. 19 Environment/ Dr. Sangmin Nam, Deputy Director, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Oct. 26 Gender equality/ Ms. Youngsook Cho, Chair, International Solidarity Center, Korean Women’s Association United. Nov. 2 Health/ Ms. Hyunkyong Kim, General Director, Korea Foundation for International Healthcare
*Everyone is welcome without prior registration. * Please try to use public transportation as parking cannot be facilitated.
Inquiries: pltimes@naver.com
* 본 특강 시리즈는 2017HUFS특성화사업 예산 및 국제학부(DIS), 국제지역대학원(GSIAS)협찬으로 진행됩니다.