글번호 : 170538025

작성일 : 23.02.14 | 조회수 : 297

제목 : [논문] 까바나젱과 녱가뚜어의 지위 변화: 브라질 원주민 문제의 현재성과 탈식민적 시민성 건설 글쓴이 : 중남미연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
학술지 구분등재
저서명까바나젱과 녱가뚜어의 지위 변화: 브라질 원주민 문제의 현재성과 탈식민적 시민성 건설
초록This article aims to examine the process of changes in the meanings and status of Nheengatu caused by Cabanagem (1835-1840) and the current expansion of discussion on indigenous peoples in Brazil, propelled by the recent journey of officialization of indigenous languages in some municipalities of Brazil. The purpose of this study is to prospect what kind of possibilities such a trend suggests in the long term in relation to postcolonial identity of indigenous people as well as the chronic problems of exclusion and inequality of the region. For this, the chapter 2 examines the reform of Marquis of Pombal in the 18th century when the use of the Amazonial General Language was banned. The chapter 3 deals with Cabanagem by which indigenous peoples got to read the world and themselves through Nheengatu, transformed into a language of resistance by contacts among the marginalized elements of the society. In the chapter 4, the article focuses on the continuing officialization of indigenous languages in Brazil at a municipal level. At the same time, it sheds light on the steps made by various actors to promote the participation of indigenous peoples in higher education and hegemonic knowledge production. Chapter 5 concludes the article suggesting some possibilities of how to interpret these trends considering the context in which it is needed to establish a new citizenship facing the problem of alienation as well as the current global ecological crisis.


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