글번호 : 161328220

작성일 : 22.06.03 | 조회수 : 1251

제목 : 간사이대학교 온라인 행사 안내 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 【Partner】flyer€ (1).pdf
Kansai University/MI-Room is pleased to announce the Online international exchange Event  “Connecting with the world vol 1” for your students to take part in on 21 June, 18:00-19:00 Japan time.
This chat commemorates the opening of the Virtual Mi-Room (Virtual Multilingual Immersion Room) at Kansai University, a space where people can experience intercultural communication first-hand.
We hope that many students will join us!
The application form is attached.
*Event Details
◆Dates &Time
June 21st ,2022 18:00-19:00(JST)
◆Application Requirements
Students from universities that have student exchange agreements with Kansai University
①30min / Chat in Japanese 日本語  
②Last 30min / You can move to a room with a language of your choice 多言語
(Japanese,English, French, German, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Russian)
*Language is subject to change based on student surveys
-This event is not counted as an exchange program.
-Please note that there is a possibility that students may be rejected after consideration of the application. In addition, this event does not evaluate grades.
*How to Apply
◆Application Procedure
Individual students can apply using the Microsoft forms attached to the flyer.
Students who have applied will receive a link to oVice will be sent to the student's registered email address one day before the event.

*oVice : It's a tool for real communication online. Enter the virtual space as an avatar.
(In the event of a large number of applications, a lottery will be held)


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