글번호 : 185167865

작성일 : 24.05.07 | 조회수 : 468

제목 : [프랑스 Burgundy School of Business] Summer School 2024 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

우리 대학 자매대학교인 프랑스 Burgundy School of Business 에서 주관하는 여름방학 해외계절학기 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


※ 학점 인정 가능 여부는 인정받을 전공 학과 국외교류 내규 및 승인사항에 따름

※ 수강 전 해외계절학기 유의사항(Click!) 참고



- 아    래 -

🌞 BSB launches 3 unique Summer Schools open to all! 🏫

We are delighted to announce the creation of these 3 5-day programmes, taught 100% in English in Dijon and Lyon, the first editions of which will take place in July. 

While these 3 independent modules are mainly aimed at international students, anyone can sign up to benefit from BSB's expertise, learn how to become a leader, solve problems using Design Thinking or discover new ways of sustainable consumption. 

It's also a great opportunity to enjoy a French-style cultural experience, with dedicated workshops, visits to iconic locations and wine and cheese tastings. 

Summer Schools on offer:

👑 Authentic Leadership - 1 to 5 July 2024, BSB Dijon

🌱 Empowering Sustainability: Transformative Pathways in Consumption - 1 to 5 July 2024, BSB Lyon

💡 Innovation & Design Thinking - 8 to 12 July 2024, BSB Dijon

All the information is here 
: https://www.calameo.com/read/0076440491756c418232d
The contact person is my colleague Dominika, you can reach her on this address: short.programs@bsb-education.com


Don't hesitate to share this information around you: thanks to our Summer Schools, the BSB Experience is now accessible to everyone! 

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