글번호 : 125590188

작성일 : 19.08.23 | 조회수 : 698

제목 : 2019-1 성적우수자 수기(일반TESOL 김선영 선생님) 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

2019-1 성적우수자 수기



김선영 선생님




It is not simple to convey how the TESOL course was for me, but I’d like to say that it was one step forward as a stable stepping stone to reach my goal. It helped me to be updated on new English teaching skills so I could be a well-prepared English teacher.


It was a big challenge for me to work and study at the same time as well as for all the other teachers in my class. When I felt tired after work and then I was supposed to enjoy doing my enormous amount of homework - it was not a joke. Many times, other teachers and I were tempted not to do some assignments, but we encouraged one another not to give up and helped each other without any sprit of competition.


If you only want to have this certificate, I don’t recommend you to take this course in HUF, because you have to give all of your effort and time in each class with the professors and your other classmates. We have nicknamed ourselves mayflies since we felt that our daily lives were like mayflies; we had no time to think about the things for tomorrow, but we could only live fully one day at a time to finish assignments by the deadline.


All professors are conscientious and fantastic; they are almost perfectionists in a good sense! I have learned a lot from their lessons; they are full of various examples including methods, skills, materials, technologies etc. They always counted on our potential and drew out of us the best we could do and were always free to answer our doubts and questions. Thus, all of the students could acquire knowledge and experiences from the professors and they have shared tons of their teaching materials as well. I couldn’t even read and check all those precious material resources and their lesson PPTs and so on, but they will be used very carefully and usefully for whole my teaching career.


I have gained a lot on how to teach English effectively, but the biggest change after this course is how I could use the right scaffolding during the lesson in order to make English enjoyable for my students. ‘Less speaking from the teachers and more speaking from the students.’ As a result, I have already noticed several changes in my students and they are more motivated, interested, and enjoy their activities in class; also, they are not afraid of making mistakes and practicing new targets languages freely.


I hope that my experience will also challenge you to think about how this course could benefit your teaching career.



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