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글번호 : 57062616

작성일 : 15.06.09 | 조회수 : 3893

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1 Korean Economy
2 Human Rights in North Korea
3 Peace and Conflict in North East Asia: China, Korea, and Japan
4 Humanities and Social Sciences: Korean Drama of the Diaspora
5 Global Strategies and Challenges for Korean Multinational Enterprises
6 Current Topics in Marketing: Developing Social Media Marketing Strategies
7 Korean Cinema
8 North Korean Development & Security Issues 
9 Korean Food : Understanding Korean Food in the Era of Globalization
10 Korean Politics and Foreign Policy
11 Democratization in Korea and Asia
12 Cultural Globalization and Inequality in Korea and Asia
13 Introduction to Korean Wave
14 Consumer Behavior in Asia: Unique Issues and Marketing Practices
15 Korean Wave: Contemporary Korean Popular Culture
16 Gender, Work, and Family in South Korea
17 Media, Globalization, and the East Asian Rigion
18 The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact in South Korea
19 Korean Music & Performing Arts  
1 Global Strategies and Challenges for Korean Multinational Enterprises
2 Current Topics in Marketing: Developing Social Media Marketing Strategies
3 Consumer Behavior in Asia: Unique Issues and Marketing Practices
4 The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact in South Korea
1 Korean Economy
미디어 커뮤니케이션
1 Media, Globalization, and the East Asian Rigion
영어통번역학부(글로벌 캠퍼스)
1 Academic English: Reading & Writing  
2 Presenting in English for TV and Radio 
1 Academic English: Reading & Writing  
2 Presenting in English for TV and Radio 
1 Korean Economy
2 Human Rights in North Korea
3 Humanities and Social Sciences: Korean Drama of the Diaspora
4 Global Strategies and Challenges for Korean Multinational Enterprises
5 Korean Cinema
6 North Korean Development & Security Issues 
7 Korean Food : Understanding Korean Food in the Era of Globalization
8 Korean Politics and Foreign Policy
9 Democratization in Korea and Asia
10 Introduction to Korean Wave
11 Korean Wave: Contemporary Korean Popular Culture
12 Gender, Work, and Family in South Korea
13 The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact in South Korea
14 Korean Music & Performing Arts  
1 Korean Food : Understanding Korean Food in the Era of Globalization
2 Cultural Globalization and Inequality in Korea and Asia
3 Introduction to Korean Wave
4 Korean Wave: Contemporary Korean Popular Culture
5 Media, Globalization, and the East Asian Rigion
6 Academic English: Reading & Writing  
7 Presenting in English for TV and Radio 
1 Peace and Conflict in North East Asia: China, Korea, and Japan
2 Media, Globalization, and the East Asian Rigion
1 Korean Economy
2 Peace and Conflict in North East Asia: China, Korea, and Japan
3 Global Strategies and Challenges for Korean Multinational Enterprises
4 Current Topics in Marketing: Developing Social Media Marketing Strategies
5 Korean Politics and Foreign Policy
6 Democratization in Korea and Asia
7 Consumer Behavior in Asia: Unique Issues and Marketing Practices
8 The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact in South Korea
1 Humanities and Social Sciences: Korean Drama of the Diaspora
2 Korean Cinema
3 Academic English: Reading & Writing  
1 Korean Politics and Foreign Policy
2 Cultural Globalization and Inequality in Korea and Asia
경제학과(글로벌 캠퍼스)
1 Korean Economy
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