
교수지원 공지사항



글번호 : 173967897

작성일 : 23.05.15 | 조회수 : 408

제목 : Online workshop for HUFS faculty-Technology for the language teacher 글쓴이 : 교수학습개발부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Online workshop for HUFS faculty 

AI technology and Web 2.0 applications for language instruction

This workshop emphasizes blended learning as an optimal approach for facilitating English literacy development in the digital age. For this purpose, the presenter introduces the following technologies and their use.

-Nearpod, online platform for resource-rich and interactive lesson

-Chatbot and other AI-based program

-Useful web resources and applications for EFL instruction

Speaker : Heyoung Kim (Department of English Education, Chung-Ang University)

Date : Friday, May 26th, 2023

Time : 14:00-15:20

Place : ZOOM Meeting(online) or eClass(recorded lecture)
- We will send the ZOOM meeting link on May 25th.

Language : English 

Register : click to here  

Contact : ctl@hufs.ac.kr 

HUFS Institute for Educational Innovation 

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