
소장 인사말

연구소 규정

location  l 연구소 소개 l 연구소 규정

Regulations Downlaod

Regulations of the Language and Intercultural Studies Institute (LISI)

Chapter 1. General Rules

Article 1 (Title) The research institute shall be known as the ‘Language and Intercultural Studies Institute’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Institute’) of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

Article 2 (Purpose) The purpose of the Institute is to contribute to the research of intercultural communication and language by undertaking and publishing basic research, applied research, and interdisciplinary research on intercultural communication and language.

Article 3 (Location) The Institute shall be located in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (hereinafter referred to as ‘HUFS’).

Article 4 (Roles and Responsibilities) The roles and responsibilities of the Institute are as follows.

1. Basic and applied research on intercultural communication and language
2. Collection of research materials
3. Holding conferences and research presentations at home and abroad
4. Publication of regular academic journals, research series, and other research journals
5. Human and material exchanges with domestic and global universities and research institutes
6. Joint research and information sharing with institutes related to intercultural communication and language
7. Other matters related to intercultural communication and language

Chapter 2. Organization

Section 1. Executive Committee Members and Advisors

Article 5 (Composition) The Institute shall be comprised of the following Executive Committee members.
1. One (1) president
2. No more than 10 Steering Committee members
*The Steering Committee shall have equal representation of members from intercultural communication related discipline and language related discipline.

Article 6 (President)
1. The president of HUFS shall appoint a tenured professor of HUFS from intercultural communication or language related discipline as president of the Institute.
2. The president shall represent and administer all affairs of the Institute.
3. The president shall serve as the president of the Steering Committee.
4. The president shall convene Steering Committee meetings whenever deemed necessary.
5. In his/her absence, the president may delegate his/her responsibilities to one (1) Steering Committee member.

Article 7 (Editorial Board Members)
1. The president shall appoint one (1) editor-in-chief and one (1) assistant editor from the Steering Committee members.
2. The editor-in-chief and assistant editor shall equally represent intercultural communication related discipline and language related discipline.

Article 8 (Mandate) The Executive Committee members in Article 5 shall serve a two-year, renewable term.

Article 9 (Advisor(s))
1. The Institute, where appropriate, may appoint advisor(s).
2. The president shall appoint local or global advisor(s) with academic knowledge or experience through a majority vote by the Steering Committee.

Section 2. Meetings

Article 10 (Steering Committee)
1. To function efficiently, the Institute shall have a Steering Committee.
2. The Steering Committee shall consist of members appointed by the president.
3. The Steering Committee shall review and take a vote on any matters related to the following:
(1) Matters related to the planning and execution of the Institute’s projects
(2) Enacting and revising the Institute’s rules and regulations
(3) Matters subject to deliberation and resolution by the Steering Committee
(4) Approval of budget
(5) Other matters deemed necessary by the Steering Committee
4. Meetings of the Steering Committee shall be convened by the president when deemed necessary or at the request of at least a quarter of its members.
5.The majority of the members must be present to constitute a quorum, and decisions shall be made by the majority of the members present and voting.

Article 11 (Editorial Committee)
1. The Institute shall have an Editorial Committee in place to review and decide the papers suitable for publication.
2. The Institute shall establish Editorial Committee regulations with the steering committee.
3. To assist the Editorial Committee, the Institute may have a monitoring board in place to evaluate research integrity.

Article 12 (Ethics Committee)
1. The Institute shall have an Ethics Committee in place to establish research standards, prevent and investigate research misconduct.
2. The Institute shall establish Ethics Committee regulations with the Steering Committee.

Section 3. Administrative body

Article 13 (Responsibilities)
1. The Institute shall have a secretariat in place to handle administrative affairs. The secretariat shall consist of a planning and execution team, a research support team, and a research publication and promotion team.
2. The planning and execution team plans and executes matters related to, but not limited to, general affairs, planning, management, and external affairs.
3. The research support team handles matters related to, but not limited to, research projects, research fund execution, and academic events.
4. The research publication and promotion team handles matters related to, but not limited to, the publication of regular academic journals, research series, and other research journals, and the promotion of academic events.
5. The secretariat may hire a full-time employee or assistant to support research administrative affairs.

Chapter 3. Accounts and Audit

Article 14 (Accounts) The Institute shall be funded by HUFS grants, subsidies and donations from outside personnel and/or organizations, and other income.

Article 15 (Audit) The audit of the financial statements of the Institute shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures which apply to the annual audit of HUFS.

Article 16 (Dissolution) The dissolution of the Institute shall be approved by the president of HUFS following a vote of the Steering Committee. The property shall belong to HUFS upon dissolution of the Institute.

Chapter 4. Rewards and Punishment

Article 17 (Rewards and Punishment)
1. The president may reward those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Institute with the approval of the steering committee.
2. The president may dismiss full-time researchers and researchers who seriously undermine the honor of the Institute or are negligent in the performance of their duties with the approval the Steering Committee.

Supplementary Provision

These regulations shall be effective as of May 7, 2018.