교수진 전체

글번호 : 135421912 글쓴이 : 관리자
고동우 교수



02-2173-3169 (연구실 515호)


Ph.D, Marketing, University of Iowa(Minor Psychology)
MS, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue University
BS, Management and Economics, Aomori Public University


경력 및 활동

한국마케팅학회 마케팅연구 편집위원(2022 – 현재)


한국외국어대학교 Global CEO 주임교수 (2023 – 현재)


한국외국어대학교 Global MBA 주임교수 (2017 – 2019)


Associate Professor of Marketing at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (2019 – Present)


Assistant Professor of Marketing at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (2016 – 2019)

Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (2013 – 2016)


Digital Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Channels , Gerontology 



더미를 위한 디지털 마케팅 (2018)



노년층의 디지털 리터러시 향샹을 위한 심리 마케팅- 상실감과 관성효과(2019 ~ 2020), 한국연구재단


충주법현단지 예비타당성 조사 (2022), KDI


서산남부산업단지 예비타당성 조사 (2019), KDI




- Ko, D. W., Lee, J. Y., & Kim, H. (2022). Loneliness, Implicit-Self and Digital Literacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 701856.


- Park, J., & Ko, D. (2022). Catch me if you can: Effects of AR-enhanced presence on the mobile game experience. Internet Research, 32(4), 1235-1263.


- Seo, Y., Ko, D., & Kim, J. (2021). It is all in the mind (set)! Matching mindsets and luxury tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 60(1), 184-196.


- 이지연, 고동우, & 최경찬. (2021). 꼰대 척도의 개발 타당화한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 21(9), 164-175.


-  Ko, D., & Park, J. (2020). I am you, you are me: Game character congruence with the ideal self. Internet Research. 31(2), 613-634


- Kim, K., & Ko, D. (2020). How to Build a Sustainable MICE Environment Based on Social Identity Theory. Sustainability, 12 (17), 7166.


- Lee, J. Y., Ko, D. W., & Lee, H. (2019). Loneliness, regulatory focus, inter-personal competence, and online game addiction: A moderated mediation model. Internet Research, 29(2), 381-394.


- Han, J., & Ko, D. (2018). Variability of assister availability in health insurance marketplace in the US. BMC Health Services Research, 18, 1-7.


- Ko, D. W., Bae, Y. H., & Han, J. (2018). Social exclusion and switching barriers in Medicare Part D choices. Sustainability, 10(7), 2419.


- Kwon, J., Seo, Y., and Ko, D. (2016), "The ES-IF Matching(Entity-Symbolic Versus Incremental-Functional) Model," Journal of Advertising, 1- 13.


- Ko, D., Seo, Y., and Jung, S. (2015), “The Influence of Cultural Congruence on Perceived Risk and Trust in Online-Purchase Decisions: Processing Fluency as a Mediator,” Marketing Letters, 26(3),377-390.


- Han, J., Ko, D. W., & Urmie, J. M. (2014). The role of satisfaction and switching costs in Medicare Part D choices. Research in social and administrative pharmacy, 10(2), 398-407.



학술대회 발표논문
- Annual Research Meeting, Academy Health(2016, Boston), "Medicare Beneficiaries' Non-switching Behavior and Social Exclusion."


- Global Fashion Management Conference (2015, Florence, Italy), “Targeting ‘Right’ Luxury Brand Messages to ‘Right’ Consumers : New Insights from the Implicit Self-Theories.”


- Academy of Business Research (2015, New Orleans, L), “Medicare Beneficiaries’Non-switching Behavior and Social Exclusion.”


- Society for Consumer Psychology (2014, Miami, FL), “What Drives Individual Purchase Decisions in a Network: Consumer Motivation Approach.”


- EMAC, KSMS & GAMMA Joint Symposium (2013, Istanbul, Turkey), “ The Influence of Cultural Congruence on Perceived Risk and Trust in Online-Purchase Decision: Processing Fluency as a Mediator.” 



학회 주요 활동
- 한국마케팅학회 이사

- AcademyHealth
- Association for Consumer Research
- Society for Consumer Psychology
- American Marketing Association

목록 버튼