교수진 전체

글번호 : 136419689 글쓴이 : 관리자
최병철 교수

최병철 교수는 기업벤처링 (Corporate Venturing), 기술경영 (Technology Management) 분야의 전문가이다.  공학도로서의 경험과 경영학 지식을 접목하여 기업의 신사업전략, 창업생태계, 디지털기업가정신 분야에서 활발하게 연구, 강연, 프로젝트 등을 진행하고 있다. 현재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학에서 경영전략 교수로 재직하고 있으며, 그 이전에는 University of Nottingham 중국 캠퍼스 경영대학에서 경영전략 교수를 역임하였다.


최병철 교수는 기업의 혁신전략 관련, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Management International Review, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 등 다수의 해외 유수 학술지에 논문을 등재하였으며, 기업의 혁신전략을 다룬 박사학위 논문은, “미국제품개발협회 (PDMA)”에 의해 혁신분야 우수박사논문 Top 20에 선정되기도 하였다. 


경력 및 활동     

(현한국외국어대학교 경영대학 부교수 (조교수 재임시 조기정년보장)

(현) 창업지원단장

(현) 캠퍼스타운사업단부단장

(현) 아산나눔재단 아산기업가정신리뷰(AER) 지식연구소 소장

(현) 은행권청년창업재단(D.CAMP) 참여교수

(전) University of Nottingham (China campus) 경영대학 조교수






02-2173-3090 (교수회관 320)



- Ph.D. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY, USA): Strategic Management 

- M.S. Portland State University (OR, USA): Engineering & Technology Management 

- B.S. Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea): Mechanical Engineering 



- Corporate Venturing

- Technology Management

- Digital Entrepreneurship

Selected Publications

(교신저자) Early Evidence on How Industry 4.0 Reshapes MNEs’ Global Value Chains:The Role of Value Creation vs. Value Capturing by Headquarters and Foreign Subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies (2023)

(제1저자) Capital structure and innovation trajectory: The role of debt in balancing exploration and exploitation. Organization Science (2016)



주요 연구 프로젝트  

(2023) 서울 창업생태계 실태조사 및 컨설팅 (서울시)
(2023) 기업벤처캐피탈(CVC) 현황 및 투자활성화 방안에 대한 연구 (스타트업 얼라이언스/한국벤처투자)
(2023) 스타트업 글로벌 진출 관련 규제애로 현황 및 개선방안 (중소벤처기업부/창업진흥원)

(2022) 초기투자 펀드 조성방안을 위한 연구 (한국엑셀러레이터협회) 

(2022) 지속가능한 생태계 디자인을 통한 우리나라 디지털 전환 산업 경쟁력 강화 (정보통신정책연구원)

(2022) 청년위기 극복을 위한 기업가정신 제고방안 (한국 청년기업가정신재단) 

(2022) 서울시 창업생태계 데이터베이스 설계 구축 연구 (서울산업진흥원)

(2022) 기업가정신 국가 Agenda 개발 연구 보고서 (한국청년기업가정신재단)

(2021) 서울시 창업생태계 모델 측정지표 개발 (서울산업진흥원)

(2019) 다각화 기업의 기술자원분배 효율성에 관한 연구: 사업부 수준 빅데이터 분석을 통하여 (한국연구재단)


한국벤처창업학회 (총무이사)

- 기업가정신학회 (상임이사)

- 한국중소기업학회 (학술지 편집위원)

- 대한리더십학회 (이사)

- 한국인사조직학회 (이사 역임)

- 한국전략경영학회

- 기술경영경제학회


주요논문 (SSCI)

(2023)Early Evidence on How Industry 4.0 Reshapes MNEs’ Global Value Chains: The Role of Value Creation vs. Value Capturing by Headquarters and Foreign Subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies

(2022) Changes in foreign ownership and innovation investment: the case of Korean corporate governance reforms. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management


(2021) Unpacking the drivers of emerging market firms’ international joint venture formation: The interplay between technological innovation strategies and home-and host-institutional pressures.  Journal of Business Research.


(2021). U-shaped relationship between market liberalisation and technology exploration: evidence from South Korean firms. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management


(2021). Knowledge centralization and international R&D team performance: Unpacking the moderating roles of team-specific characteristics. Journal of Business Research.


(2020). Ambidextrous knowledge sharing within R&D teams and multinational enterprise performance: The moderating effects of cultural distance in uncertainty avoidance. Management International Review.


(2019). Impact of Korean pro-market reforms on firm innovation strategies. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management


(2018). Organizational conservatism, strategic human resource management, and breakthrough InnovationIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

(2016). Capital structure and innovation trajectory: The role of debt in balancing exploration and exploitation. Organization Science

학술대회 발표논문         

Choi BC, Kumar MV. The Allocation of Technological Resources within Diversified Firms

2016 Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA


Choi BC, Kumar MV. Exploration, ‘Linking Technological and Financial Performance with Innovation: A Behavioral Perspective

2016 Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA


Reynoso J, O’Connor G, Ravichandran T, Choi BC, Ma J. Organizational Learning in Differentiated Structure: The Characteristics of Radical Innovation Hubs

2016 Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Research Forum, Atlanta


Choi BC, Kumar MV, Zambuto F. Exploration, Exploitation and Incentives to Innovate: The Disciplining Role of Debt

(Best Paper Finalist) 2014 Strategic Management Society Conference), Madrid, Spain

2014 Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia


O’Connor G, Ravichandran T, Choi BC, Ma J. Organizing for Breakthrough Innovation: Leadership, Structures, and Processes

2014 Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia


Choi BC, Ma J, O’Connor G. Capturing value from innovation: Technological knowledge resources and the role of Marketing

2014 Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Newport (Published Proceeding)


Choi BC, O’Connor G, Ravichandran T. The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Breakthrough Innovation (BI)

2013 Academy of Management Conference, Orlando

2012 Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Research Forum, Orlando


Gang KW, Choi BC, Ma J. Getting to Innovation: Sequentially Exploring and Exploiting Technological Capabilities

(Best Paper Nomination) 2013 Academy of International Business Southeast, Atlanta (Published Proceeding)


Gang KW, Choi BC. A Sequential Perspective of Technological Exploration and Exploitation

2012 Eastern Academy of Management (EAM), Philadelphia (Published Proceeding)


Choi BC, Phan K. Platform Leadership in Business Ecosystem: Literature-Based Study on Resource Dependence Theory (RDT)

2012 Portland International Center for Management of Engineering & Technology (PICMET),Vancouver, Canada (Published Proceeding)


목록 버튼