Admission flow




Tuition & Scholarships

A. Tuition (2020)

    - Enrollment fees: 1,070,000 Korean won

    - Tuition fees per semester: 4,566,000 Korean won

      Enrollment and tuition fees are subject to change every year

A-1. Research Tuition

    - Research tuition applies for students who have finished their course work during 4 semesters, and wish to be advised or submit their Thesis or Portfolio afterwards.

    - Research tuition fees: 10% of the regular tuition fees

    - Exceptions: Those who were accepted to GS TESOL before 2017, have a temporary reduced research tuition to

                          5% of the regular tuition fees.



B. Scholarships - Every semester scholarships will be awarded to the following students:

    - Registered students who have achieved outstanding academic performance in each department in the relevant semester

    - Newly admitted students who have received the highest admission scores

    - An academic assistant who works full time at the administration office

    - Representatives from the GS TESOL Students’ Union.

    - Those who make a significant contribution to the development of the GS TESOL

    - Registered students who have a Teacher's Certificate authorized by the Ministry of Education and are currently working full-time at an elementary or secondary school