

dotSubmission of ContributionsdotWriting Format dotPublication Regulation dotSearchdotRegulations on Research Ethics



1. Range of Contributions

Linguistics and language education methodologies of Central and Eastern European or Balkan regions; pure academic papers related to the fields of literature, politics, economics, history and culture, book review, translations of works, experimental, suggestive, or a creative report of various fields of study may be published. Texts should not be published on any other academic journals home and abroad.

2. Qualification of Contribution

Contributors, in principle, are limited to members and researchers that study academic fields regarding Eastern/Balkan European region from the East European and Balkan Institute of Hankuk University of Studies and Asian Association of Central & Eastern European Studies. However, the manuscripts of researchers and non-members in the relevant field may be published after deliberation by the Editorial Committee.

3. Drawing up a Contribution

1) All contributions should be made through Hangul Word Processor or MS Word.

2) Papers should follow the basic format setting presented by the word processor.

3) If the line spacing and the size of letters are in the basic format, the paper should be at least 13 pages of A4 paper, a maximum of 20 pages; a book review should be around two pages; a translation or nonliterary texts should be around five pages. Contributions exceeding the limit shall be rejected.

4) Papers shall be prepared following 'The manuscript Preparation Guidelines' below

4. How to Submit

All contributions are submitted online. (automatically connected when you click "Online Paper Submission")