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성명 | 이석호 교수님 |
전공 | 다변량자료분석, 차원축소 | |
연구실 | 자연과학대학 204호 | |
lees@hufs.ac.kr | ||
연락처 | 031-330-4562 | |
학력 | 서울대학교 계산통계학과 이학사 (1998) 서울대학교 통계학과 이학석사 (2000) Texas A&M University 통계학과 Ph.D. (2009) |
경력 | 미국 Harvard University 박사후 연구원 (2009~2010) 한국외국어대학교 전임강사 (2010~2012) 한국외국어대학교 조교수 (2012~2015) (현) 한국외국어대학교 부교수 (2015~) |
연구분야 | 차원축소법, 함수자료분석, 로버스트기법, 고차원자료분석 |
논문 | (*교신저자, #대학원생) [1] Chung HJ, Park CH, Han MR, Seokho Lee , Ohn JH, Kim J, Kim JH* (2005) ArrayXPath II: mapping and visualizing microarray gene expression data with biomedical ontologies and integrated pathway resources with scalable vector graphics. Neucleic Acids Research 33 , W621-W626 Web Server issue. [2] Johan Lim, Xinlei Wang*, Seokho Lee , Sin-Ho Jung (2008) A distribution-free test of constant mean in linear mixed effect model. Statistics in Medicine 27 , 3833-3849. [3] Seokho Lee , Marc G. Genton*, Reinaldo B. Arellano-Valle (2010) Perturbation of numerical confidential data via skew-t distributions. Management Science 56 , 318-333. [4] Seokho Lee , Jianhua Z. Huang*, Jianhua Hu (2010) Sparse logistic principal components analysis for binary data. Annals of Applied Statistics 4 , 1579-1601. [5] Seokho Lee , Micheal P. Epstein, Richard Duncan, Xihong Lin* (2012) Sparse principal component analysis for identifying ancestry-informative markers in genome-wide association studies. Genetic Epidemiology 36 , 293-302 [6] Seokho Lee* , Jianhua Z. Huang (2013) A coordinate descent MM algorithm for fast computation of sparse logistic PCA. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis . 62 , 26-38 [7] Seokho Lee , Hyejin Shin*, Nedret Billor (2013) M-type smoothing spline estimators for principal functions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis . 66 , 89-100. [8] Sungpyo Kim*, Zuwhan Yun, Un-Hwa Ha, Seokho Lee , Hongkeun Park, Eilhann E Kwon, Yunchul Cho, Sungwook Choung, Kartik Chandran (2013) Transfer of antibiotic resistance plasmids in pure and activated sludge cultures in the presence of environmentally representative micro-contaminant concentrations. Science of Total Environment . 468-469 , 813-820. [9] Seokho Lee* , Jianhua Z. Huang (2014) A biclustering algorithm for binary matrices based on penalized Bernoulli likelihood. Statistics and Computing , 24 , 429-441. [10] Kiho Kim#, Seokho Lee* (2014) Logistic regression classification by principal component selection. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods . 21, 61-68. [11] Hyejin Shin, Seokho Lee* (2015) Canonical correlation analysis for irregularly and sparsely observed functional data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 134, 1-18. [12] Seokho Lee , Johan Lim*, Insuk Sohn, Sin-Ho Jung, Cheol-Keun Park (2015) Two sample test for high dimensional partially paired data. Journal of Applied Statistics. 42, 1946-1961. [13] Hosung Lee#, Yun Mi Park#, Seokho Lee* (2015) Principal component regression by principal component selection. Communications for Statistical Application and Methods. 22, 173-180. [14] Hyejin Shin, Seokho Lee* (2016) An RKHS approach for robust functional linear regression. Statistica Sinica. 26, 255-272. [15] Seokho Lee*, Hyejin Shin, Sang Han Lee (2016+) Label-noise resistant logistic regression for functional data classification with an application to alzheimer's disease study. Biometrics. Accepted. |
저서 | 최대우, 장영재, 이석호 (2015) 데이터과학입문, 한국방송통신대학교출판문화원 |
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