


> Notice > Notice


글번호 : 160767908

작성일 : 22.04.18 | 조회수 : 11563

제목 : Application for 2022 Fall(Regular Decision, 2nd round) International Undergraduate Admissions is OPEN(2022.04.18 ~ 2022.05.27.) 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 2022 Fall Admission guide(Eng).pdf 2022 Fall Admission guide(KOR).pdf 2022 Fall Admission guide(CHN).pdf 2022 Fall Admission guide(JPN).pdf

Dear students,


The 2022 Fall International Undergraduate Admission (Regular Decision, 2nd round) Application to Hankuk University of Foreign Studies opens on April 18th, 2022.


Please note that Applicant with non-Korean nationality and both parents also having non-Korean nationality can only apply for international admission to HUFS. If you are an overseas Korean or Korean with dual citizenship, please contact our admission office. (


To apply for International Admissions to HUFS for the 2022 Fall Admission, please refer to the information below;


1. Important Dates


2022 Fall


Regular Decision

(2nd Decision)

Online Application & Submission of Materials

2022. 04. 18. (Mon) 12:00


2022. 05. 27. (Fri) 17:00

 Applications for admission and supplementary documents are submitted online.> Admission Guide >Apply

 After completing the online application and application fee payment, please submit your application packet either in-person or by registered mail.

    Please submit materials no later than the application deadline.


   Office of International Admissions &Management

   #102 Minerva Complex, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,

   107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02450, South Korea

Admission &Interview Notification

2022. 06. 20. (Mon)


 Admission notices will be posted on the website:

 There may be an interview in request of the department. Please check the notification.


2022. 06. 25. (Sat)

 You must be in the interview room at least 30 minutes before the appointed interview time.

Final Admission Notification

2022. 07. 05. (Tue)


 Admission notices will be posted on the website:


2022. 07. 05. (Tue) - 07. 21. (Thur)

 At all Woori bank branches.

 There will be a charge for overseas payments.

Certification of Admission

2022. 07. 21. (Thur) - 07. 28. (Thur)

 The documents will be sent by order of registration via E-mail.




2. How to apply: Online Application


3. Majors/Departments :


4. Tuition Fees:


5. Scholarships:


6. Admission Guidelines



Exemption of submitting Language Proficiency Test scores for 2022 Fall admission

2022학년도 2학기 전형 언어시험점수 제출 면제

As you may be aware, many students are struggling to take the TOPIK or other language proficiency tests due to the COVID-19 situation.

Therefore, for the Fall 2022 semester, we have decided to allow students to apply without a language proficiency test score. Those without a language proficiency test score will be required to go through the interview.

Thank you.

코로나-19로 인해 일부 국가에서 토픽시험하고 영어 시험이 미뤄지거나 취소되는 경우가 지속해서 발생하고 있습니다.

2022학년도 2학기 외국인전형까지 한시적으로 언어시험점수 없이 지원을 가능하게 조치하였으며, 언어시험 점수가 없는 학생은 면접으로 평가를 대체할 계획입니다.

이점을 유의하여 지원하시기 바랍니다.


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