







글번호 : 174897854

작성일 : 23.05.31 | 조회수 : 191

제목 : Model European Union 2023 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

The Model European Union 2023 (MEU2023), co-hosted by HUFS JMCE (led by Director Kim SiHong) with the EU Representative to Korea, and the EU Centers at Korea University and Yonsei University, was held on May 25 (Thu) and 26 (Friday). It was successfully held at Obama Hall for two days.

The Opening Ceremony of this event was followed by welcoming remarks by Prof. Giulia Tercovich from Free University of Brussels and Kim BongChul, Managing Director of the HUFS JMCE, and keynote speeche by Fredrik Ekfeldt, the Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission,  Delagation of the EU to the ROK.

In commemorating of the 60th anniversary between the EU and Korea, two sessions were simultaneously held under the theme of ‘Climate Change’ in English and ‘Digital Cooperation’ in Korean. For the purpose of promoting cooperation and joint activities between Korea and the EU in these fields, the actual progress of the EU Council of Ministers is realized through a process in which ministers representing member countries express their opinions and revise the synthesized opinions. In addition, a press conference was held to explain and formalize the discussions that day.

At the closing ceremony, congratulatory speeches were given by Maria Castillo Fernandez, Ambassador of the European Union to Korea and Daniel Wolvén, Ambassador of Sweden to Korea, followed by an awards ceremony.

<2023 MEU Award>

Ambassador’s Award:

1) Na SungBin (Rotating Presidency of the EU Council(Sweden), KyungHee University)

2) Lee ChangMin (European Commission representative, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

3) Kim Minseo (Delegate of Denmark , Ewha Women’s University)

Jean Monnet EU Centre Director Award:

1) HUFS Award: Yoon SeulYi (Journalist, Korea University)

2) Korea University Award: Kang JungMin (Delegate of Luxembourg, Yonsei University)

3) Yonsei University Award: Alland Dharmawan (Delegate of Italy, Yonsei University)

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