









글번호 : 102829515

작성일 : 18.02.27 | 조회수 : 178

제목 : Jeju Peace Institute Academic Conference 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

On January 15, 2018, 2pm, HUFS JMCE will participate at the

academic conference on the 

"EU-East Asia Relations: from an Inter-Regionalism Perspective"

co-hosted by JMCE and the Jeju Peace Institute.

Thank you for your kind attention.



HUFS Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
130-791, 270 Imun-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel. 02-2173-2746 Fax. 02-2173-2683
E-mail: hufsjmce@gmail.com

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