글번호 : 82963582

작성일 : 16.11.02 | 조회수 : 831

제목 : Journal of British and America Studies no.38 글쓴이 : 영미연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

[영어권 문학]



1. 도해자                                     셰익스피어 비극에 대한 북한의 인식 .................................3



2. 박정만                                      허스튼의 『우핑』에 나타난 언쟁 양상과 전략

                                                     : 극적 재현과 함의들 .................................................35



[영어 / 교육]


3. Lee Ill-jae ㆍKim Hong-ki        

                                                    Production and Implementation of Online Contents

                                                      for a Blended College English Course .....................61



4. Lee Eun-Hee                             An Analysis of Korean EFL Learner's Changes in Interest

                                                       Level ...................................................................85



5. Bae Sang-Hee ㆍKim Eun-Jeo   

                                                  Syntactic Factors Influencing Definite Article Omission

                                                    in English Writings by the  Korean EFL Learners.....115




[영어문화 / 지역]  



6.최영진 ㆍ정은지                      롤링스톤즈 (The Rolling Stones)의 1960년대 음악에 나타나는

                                                  블루스 전통의 양상들 .................................................139



7.Kim Hyun-ho ㆍKim Hyeong-seok  

                                                  A Comparative  Study:Private Security Systmes of South                                                      Korea and the UK ................................................175




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