
공지사항 문의 :notice@hufs.ac.kr

글번호 : 79774646

작성일 : 16.08.18 | 조회수 : 9004

제목 : [서울]Notice on Rental of Graduation Cap & Gown in Summer 2016 Graduation and Commencement Ceremony 글쓴이 : 학생지원팀_서울
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Notice on Rental of Graduation Cap & Gown
in Summer 2016 Graduation and Commencement Ceremony 학∙석사학위 연계과정 모집안내(모집요강)



1. You’ll be able to rent it on August 19th, the day of Graduation.

2. Rental Service will take place at B2 of Underground Campus/Minerva Complex (Obama Hall), from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

3. Rental Location for each Colleges/Independent Faculties(Departments)
B2-22: College of English, College of Business, Department of LD (Social Science Major), Division of International Studies
B2-24: College of Occidental Languages, College of Oriental Language, College of Japanese, College of Law
B2-28: College of Business and Economics, College of Social Sciences, College of Chinese, College of Education


4. Rental fee is 10,000\ total, including 5,000\ deposit and cost for storage and laundry. Your deposit will be returned when you return the cap & gown. (You have to return it by 4 p.m.)

5. For further questions, contact Hae Eun Jeong(010-8705-4641) or Seul Lee(010-3411-8985), Young Woo Lee(010-8548-7037)


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