







글번호 : 149581225

작성일 : 21.01.12 | 조회수 : 207

제목 : 2021 HUFS JMCE - JPI Conference 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


On January 8th, Friday, HUFS JMCE has co-hosted an online academic conference <2021 HUFS JMCE-Jeju Peace Institute-The Korean Society of Contemporary European Studies> under the theme of "Regional integration and Multilateralism" at HUFS Main Building.


Han In-taek(Director), Alec Chung(Research fellow), Han Dong-gyoon(Post Doctoral Research fellow), and Ryu Ki-eun(Post Doctoral Research fellow) from Jeju Peace institute have attended the conference, as well as, Director Kim Si-hong from JMCE, professor Lee Moo-sung from The Korean Society of Contemporary European Studies, professor Kim Bong-chul and Kang Yoo-duk from HUFS. The presentations were delivered under the topic of "EU's Asia policy: The possibility and limits of regional integration(by Lee Moo-sung)", "Biden administration and the outlook of EU's trade cooperation under regionalism and multilateralism(by Kang Yoo-duk)", and "The new relationship treaty between the UK and EU, and the new international law paradigm with Korea(by Kim Bong-chul)". Alec Chung, Han Dong-gyoon, and Kim Si-hong have contributed to further discussion.











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