









글번호 : 105235237

작성일 : 18.04.23 | 조회수 : 194

제목 : Invitation to International Conference 2018 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: HUFS JMCE EU Centre 2018 Intl. Conference.pdf

NAPCR and EU-East Asia Relations 

-International Conference-

The HUFS Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence holds an international conference on “NAPCR and EU-East Asia Relations” with the generous support of the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korea. This year, in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the Korea-EU relations, the EU Centre will organize various activities and special events, through which the Centre helps the two like-minded partners to play a decisive role on the international stage by sharing common values, promoting mutual understanding and enhancing partnership.

To reflect and fulfill this vision, the conference today will primarily focus on the Northeast Asia Plus Community of Responsibility (NAPCR), which becomes one of the salient foreign policy-making instruments of the new administration. It will examine more in detail on Northeast Asia Platform for Peace and Cooperation together with nuclear issues in the Korean Peninsula. It is firmly believed that experiences of Europe and European integration can contribute significantly by way of applying multilateral and regional security cooperation in Europe. Given the international relations in flux in East Asia region, we expect that Korea as a rising middle power along with the EU as a pioneer in regional integration will together pave the way for mutual and reciprocal prosperity in EU-East Asia relations.

With your active participation the conference will achieve a fruitful outcome in developing bilateral relations between Europe and East Asia. Your presence and excellent participation would be mostly appreciated.


27 April, 2018

Prof. Kim Si-Hong

Director of HUFS JMCE EU Centre




o  Theme: NAPCR and EU-East Asia Relations

o  Date: Friday, 27 April 2018 (09:30 – 15:40)

o  Venue: Astor Suite (36th Fl), Lotte Hotel, Seoul, S. Korea

o  Host: HUFS Jean Monet Centre of Excellence

o  Supported by: European Union &Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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