글번호 : 132533093
작성일 : 20.02.03 | 조회수 : 1780
제목 : [프랑스 ISIT Paris] Summer Schools 2020 | 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀 |
첨부파일: Ecole dété 2020_en_Yann.pdf ProgrammeFLE2020.pdf | |
본교 자매대학교인 프랑스 파리문화경영언론대학(ISIT; Intercultural Management and Communication Institute) 에서 Summer Schools 2020 프로그램을 진행하기에 아래와 같이 안내 드립니다.
- 아 래 -
1. 프로그램 1) 해외계절학기(수업 in English/ French) 2) 프랑스어수업
2. 대학소재지 : 프랑스 Paris
3. 프로그램 상세 :
An excellent opportunity for students from our partner universities to learn or improve their French language skills while discovering one of our school's specialties; Intercultural Management.
- Date: July 6th to July 24th 2020. - Languages of instruction: English/French. - ECTS credits: 5 ECTS. - Public: Open to all students and graduates of Higher Education. - Costs: 1,450 € (Does not include accommodation).
2) Summer School for Teachers of French as a Foreign Language (FLE): This is an opportunity for teachers (or future teachers of French at C1/C2 level) who are not native French speakers to improve their teaching practices through immersion in the methodology of action; ISIT, internationally recognized for its high quality intercultural and multilingual programs, offers them the opportunity to be part of the 2020 edition of this academically, culturally and professionally relevant training.
- Date: July 6th to July 17th 2020. - Languages of instruction: French - Target audience: Non-native French-speaking teachers of FLE. - Costs: 1,200 € (Does not include accommodation).
4. 문의처 : 1) 홈페이지 https://www.isit-paris.fr/formation-management-international/universite-d-ete-2/ https://www.isit-paris.fr/formation-management-international/universite-d-ete-2/ 2) 첨부 브로셔 참조