









글번호 : 126783847

작성일 : 19.09.18 | 조회수 : 273

제목 : 2019 3rd EU and Oceania Export Forum 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


2019 3rd EU and Oceania Export Forum will be held on 30 Aug. Director Sihong Kim will participate in this forum as a discussant. Please refer to the below for further information. 



2019 3rd EU and Oceania Export Forum


-Topic: EU Non-tariff Barriers and Korea's Difficulties and Countermeasures

-Time: 30 Aug 2019 (Fri) 10:00-13:00

-Venue: Korea Press Center, Seoul

-Suppoters: Europe Division of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (Keimyung University)

-Organizer: Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (Keimyung University) (Chief Organizer: Professor Lee Seung-geun Lee, former President of KSCES)


*Chairmen: Professor Seung-geun Lee (Keimyung University, Chief Organizer)


1. Prof. Yang-kwon Kim (Halla University): The EU's non-tariff barriers on the US side and our countermeasures

2. Prof. Deuk-gab Kim (Yonsei University): The EU's non-tariff barriers in the cross-border e-commerce field and corporate response strategies

3. Director Jongseo Lee (EU policy Institute): The effects of strengthening EU's non-tariff on exports of Korea: focused on the CSR



Prof. Sihong Kim (HUFS), Dr. Chulwon Lee (KIEP) and Prof. Chungrok Bang (Handong University)


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