

글번호 : 183687849

작성일 : 24.04.08 | 조회수 : 103

제목 : (4.16) Invitation to The Future Diplomacy Forum / 미래외교포럼 초대 글쓴이 : is전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: 미래외교포럼(주한 아일랜드 대사) 안내문.pdf

We are pleased to announce the upcoming event organized by the Graduate School of International and Area Studies (GSIAS) at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: The Future Diplomacy Forum.

We invite you to join us for an insightful discussion on "The Geopolitics of Climate Change" featuring esteemed speaker Michelle Winthrop, the Irish Ambassador to the Republic of Korea.

Here are the event details:

Topic: The Geopolitics of Climate Change

Speaker: Michelle Winthrop (Irish Ambassador to the Republic of Korea)

Date: 16th April, 2024 (Tuesday)

Time: 15:30 - 17:30

Location: Aekyung Hall, International Building, HUFS

We are honored to host Ambassador Winthrop, whose extensive experience in international diplomacy and expertise in climate change issues will provide valuable insights into this global challenge.

We encourage all GSIAS students to attend this event and engage in discussions on the geopolitical implications of climate change. Your participation and contributions are highly valued as we strive to deepen our understanding of this global issue.

Thank you for your interest and participation. We look forward to seeing you at The Future Diplomacy Forum.

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