












location  l Staff l Researcher
Jinwon Han (Ph.D. Department of Indian and ASEAN Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)
research fields: 남아시아 정치/행정

학위논문: Public Sector Corruption in South Asia 2006-2022: Determinants and Policy Implications

연구발표: Jiwon Han, "How does governance affect the control of corruption in India? A configurational investigation with Fs/QCA", ECONOMIES, (2023) (SCOPUS)

Sumi Woo (Ph.D. Department of Indian and ASEAN Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)
research fields: 인도*아세안 사회문화
학위논문: 홉스테드의 문화 차원 요인이 리더십, 직무만족, 이직 의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 인도인과 한국인 직원을 중심으로
Jieun Lee (Ph.D. Department of International Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)
research fields: 인도*아세안 경제
학위논문: 인도 시장에서 국가이미지와 브랜드이미지가 소비자의 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 한·일 가전제품 기업을 중심으로
Minju Jeong (MA. Department of Korean Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)

research fields: 국내·외 한국학, 한국학 교육 과정, 중남미 한국학/한국어교육

Sarang Lee (Ph.D. Department of Korean Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)
research fields: 한국 사회문화

학위논문: 전통의 뮤지킹-<아리랑>의 시뮬라시옹에 관한 연구

연구발표: 이사랑, 「디아스포라 아리랑 콘텐츠 분석: 디아스포라의 노래, 아리랑 로드를 중심으로」, 『한국예술연구』 제39호, 2023.

Myunghoon Baek (MA. Department of Latin American Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)
research fields: 중남미 경제

학위논문: Comparative analysis in energy efficiency between Brazil and Mexico: Using DEA approach

연구발표: Baek(2020), ¨Efectividad del sector industrial de América Latina y Corea del Sur Enfoque holístico sobre los usos de energía e infraestructura¨, Sadcidi Zerpa de Hurtado(ed.), Corea del Sur-América Latina: Relación comercial e inversión, Universidad de Los Andes, pp. 35-56.

Sofiya Sayankina (Ph.D. Department of International Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)

research fields: 국제 안보, 사이버 안보

학위논문: National Adaptations in Extending Sovereignty Claims to Cyberspace, 박사 (2022)

연구발표: Sofiya Sayankina, "The Role of State-Civil Society Relations in Shaping Cyber Norms in South Korea," in "Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: Global narratives and practice" edited by François Delerue, Arun Sukumar, and Dennis Broeders, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, pp. 144-158.

Yeongyeong Kong (MA. Department of Latin American Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)

research fields: 중남미 사회


Heeyoon Kim (Ph.D. Department of Latin American Studies, Graduate School of International and Area Studies)

research fields: 라틴아메리카 보전과 개발, 기후변화, 생태관광, 텍스트마이닝

연구발표: Karlsson, R. and Kim, H.-Y. (2015), Korea and Climate Change: Unpacking the Domestic Media Discourse. Asian Politics & Policy, 7: 332-336.
