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I. Basic Format 


1. [Date of Publication]

 Both Korean and English versions of『동유럽발칸연구』(East European & Balkan Studies) are being published at February 25, May 25, August 25 and November 25.

2. [Structure of Papers]

Papers should be organised in the order of (1) title, (2) name of contributor (workplace), (3) table of contents, (4) summary in Korean (around 200 words)/keywords in Korean (four or more), (5) text, (6) reference, (7) summary/keywords in English, (8) information of the contributor (name, affiliation, major, the current field of interest and e-mail address).

3. [Structure of table of contents]

The number of the table of contents shall be in Arabic numerals. Follow the structure: 1. Introduction 2. Subtitle 2.1.1. Subtitle 2.1. and so on. Introduction, preface, etc. shall be unified into "Introduction", and conclusions, concordances, concluding words, etc. shall be unified into "Conclusion".

4. [State funding details]

The research funding details, etc. shall be annotated and marked at the bottom of the front page of the paper.

5. All contributions shall be written through 'Hangul Word Processor' or 'MS Word' and in the basic format setting of the word processor.

6. [Page limit of the contribution]

 In the case of a paper, the total amount of the pages should be from 13 to 20 sheets of A4 paper; for a book review, around two pages; for a translation work or a report, around five pages.

7. [Quotation rule]

Quotations follow the manuscript preparation instructions, which partially modified The Modern Language Association (MLA) method for the sake of convenience. In other words, each quotation shall be accompanied by a brief bibliography in parentheses, a supplementary explanation of the contents of the thesis shall be prepared in a footnote, and the complete bibliography information shall follow the method provided by "reference documents" or "works citation" after the thesis. For examples of writing manuscripts, see "How to Quote" and "How to Make Works Cited" below.



II. Indicating title, quotation marks and any other writing style

1. [Title]

When you indicate the title of books or any other independent publications, use:

-Italic for English title

-Double corner brackets for a Korean title

The title of publication included as part of another book or work (e.g., a short story or poem, a chapter in a book, a thesis) is marked with "double quotation marks."

e.g. Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine (English title)

            『폴란드어 회화』(Korean title)

             "The City of Babylon" (short story, poem, chapter, paper…)

2. [Quoting original texts]

When quoting the original text directly, use double quotation marks, and "single quotation marks" are used only to highlight or meaning of single quotes (i.e., quotes within quotes). However, note that for English and foreign languages, the emphasis is presented in Italics.

e.g. Direct quote- " "

     Emphasis- 'Emphasis in a Korean-language paper.'

                The emphasis on English and Foreign language paper

3. [Year/Date]

DD.MM.YYYY (e.g. February 11 2014)

4. [Transliteration]

When transliterating names or titles in foreign languages, follow the table below.

(예시) Василечко, Любомира. Vasylechko, Liubomyra.

             Таїнавесільногообряду [Enigma of the Wedding Ritual

5. [Titles of diagrams and pictures]

When inserting a diagram and picture, mark [Figure 1] on top of it and add a title if necessary—Mark sources as an in-text citation.


III. How to cite 

1. [Indicating Source (1)]

After (in)directly quoting, make a parenthesis as close as possible and put the name of the author (Korean- whole name/Foreign language- last name) and the page number. Mark the page number in the form of 'year of issue: page'.

    (최성은 2000: 21), (Mann 2001: 85)

2. [Indicating Source (2)]

If the author's name is mentioned in the text and there is no possibility of misunderstanding, only the year of publication and the number of pages shall be used in parentheses next to the author's name.

    (1) Human beings have been described by Kenneth Burke(2003: 3) as "symbol- using animals".

3. [Repeated citation of the same paper]

If the same thesis is quoted more than once, the cited part is distinguished by a comma. (Turner 2004: 54, 69)

4. [Quotations from two or more papers from the same author]

If two or more articles of the same author are cited, they are distinguished by marking a, b, c, etc. in the year of publication. (Turner 2004a: 54-56), (Turner 2004b: 69)

5. [Using Block Quotation]

If the phrase to quote is long, use a block quotation. Put translation side by side with the original, and the translation is followed by the original. The quotations of more than 40 words shall be block quotation, indent left and right about two syllables, type shall be 1-2 points smaller than the text, and the line shall be narrow.


6. Other Examples


When there are many others for a quote passage

This hypothesis (Bradley and Rogers 2005: 7)
suggested this theory (Sumner, Reichel and Waugh 2006: 23).

Multiple sources of quotation

(Burns 2007: 54; Thomas 2007: 327)

Quotation of a reference with volumes, numbers and pages
(e.g. vol.2, nr.1, pages 1-18)

(Wilson 2008/2.1: 1-18)

Quotation of the entire volume of the book

(Henderson, 2009, vol. 3)

Group author

(United Nations, Economic Commission for Poland 2010: 51-63)

Citing a reference without author
(The title or shortened title and year: page)

as stated by the presidential commission (Report 2011: 4).

Online source

If the author is indicated: (Last name of the author)


If the author is not indicated: part of the quotation title (Italic)

(Bosnia-Hercegovina protests)


IV. How to make "Works Cited"  

Quoted or "Works Cited" shall be arranged in the order of Korean-English reference. However, Korean reference shall be shown in the Korean alphabetical order according to the author's name, and English reference in the English alphabetical order according to the author's surname. Any other references in foreign languages, write the author's name in English and the original language follows. For the title, the original language comes first and write [Korean r English translation] right after that.

(e.g.) Vasylechko, Liubomyra. Василечко, Любомира (2010) Таїнавесільногообряду [Enigma of the Wedding Ritual]. Івано-Франківс'к: Тіповіт

1. Books

When a book is included in a quotation, the corresponding bibliography is written in the following order:

[Author (year of publication)Title. Editor/Translator. Edition. Volume number (for books in multiple volumes). Place of publication: Publishing house]

(1) Single author

     Wilson, Frank R. (1998) The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture. New York:


(2) Two authors

     Eggins, Suzanne and Dianne Slade (1997) Analysing Casual Conversation. London: Cassell.

(3) Three authors

     Lowl, Theodore, Benjamin Ginsberg and Steve Jackson (1994) Analysing American Government, Freedom and Power. 3rd ed. New York: Norton.

(4) Four and more authors

     Gilman, Sander et al. (1993) Hysteria beyond Freud. Berkeley: Univ. of

     California Press. 

(5) Multiple books written by the same author

     ① Different publication year: Write the titles in order of publication year and indicate the author name by ---- from the second book

김철민 (2007) 『동유럽의 민족분쟁: 보스니아코소보마케도니아』. 살림지식총서.

     ---- (2013) 『문화와 사회로 발칸유럽 들여다보기. 한국외국어대학교 출판부.

     ② Same publication year: Add lower case alphabets after the year

     김철민 (2007a) 『동유럽의 민족분쟁: 보스니아코소보마케도니아』. 살림지식총서.

     ---- (2007b) 『문화와 사회로 발칸유럽 들여다보기』. 한국외국어대학교 출판부.

(6) An anthology or a collection of papers

     The name of the editor classifies an anthology or a collection of papers

     McRae, Murdo William, ed. (1993) The Literature of Science: Perspectives on Popular Science Writing. Athens:

     Univ. of Georgia Press.

(7) Translated version

    Dostoevsky, Feodor (1964). Crime and Punishment. Trans. Jessie Coulson. Ed. George Gibian. New York: Norton.

(8) Books of multiple volumes

   Doyle, Arthur Conan (1993) The Oxford Sherlock Holmes. Ed. Owen Dudley Edwards. Nine vols. New York: Oxford UP.

(9) The title classifies books without author or editor's name

     New York Public Library American History Desk Reference. (1997) New York: Macmillan.

2. Article from redaction

[Author (year of publication) "The title of the text", The title of a book, The editor or the translator. The edition. Volume number (for books in multiped volumes). Place of publication: Publishing house, pages.]

Senie, Harriet F. (2006) "Mourning in Protest: Spontaneous Memorials and the Sacralisation of Public Space." Spontaneous Shrines and the Public Memorialization of Death. Ed. Jack Santino. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 41-56.

3. Article from a periodical

[Author (year of publication) "The tile of the text", The title of the publication, number of books, edition: pages]

(1) An article published in the periodical journal

    Klid, Bohdan W. (1991) "The Struggle over Mykhailo Hrushevs'kyi: Recent Soviet Polemics". Canadian Slavonic

     Papers 33.1: 37-38.

     Lebina, Natalia. Лебина, Наталия. (2007) "Волосы и власть: советскийвариант" [Hair and Power: The

     Soviet Variant]. Теориямоды: Одежда, тело, культура 4: 119-131.

(2) An article published in the monthly journal

   Amelar, Sarah. (Mar. 1998) "Restoration on 42nd Street". Architecturer: 146-50.

(3) An article published in the (bi)weekly journal

   Pratap Bhanu. (June 1998) "Exploding Myths". New Republic 6: 17-19.

(4) Newspaper article

      Manning, Anita (March 2 March 2 1994) "Curriculum Battles from Left and Right". USA Today: D5.

     "From Good to Bad". (June 16 1984) Washington Post: 10.

4. Dissertation

[Author. (Year of conferment of degree). "The title of the dissertation". Degree. Conferring institution]

Boyle, Anthony T. (1983) "The Epistemological Evolution of Renaissance Utopian Literature, 1516-1657". Diss. New York Univ.

5. Films

[Title of a film (Year of distribution). Director. Actor. Distributor]

Modern Times (1936) Dir. Charles Chaplin. Perf. Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard. United Artist.

6. Interview

Alfred, Wayne (July 25 1984) Personal interview.

7. Materials from the Internet database

[(Author). "The title of an article". Website name. Production agency. Web. Date of access. URL]

(1) Paper from an online journal

[Author (Year of foundation) "Title". Journal name, number/edition: page (n.p. if there's no page). Web. Date of access]

     Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik and Tim Veen (2012) "Governming the post-communist state: government alternation and senior civil service politicisation in Central and Eastern Europe". East European Politics 28/1: n. p. Web. February 12 2014.

(2) Web document or blog

[Author (Year of foundation) "Title". Name, number/edition: page (n.p. if there's no page). Web. Date of access. URL]

     Marples, David (January 28 2014) "Euromaidan, the people, and the opposition".   Current Politics in Ukraine. Stasiuk

     Program for the Study of Contemporary Ukraine, Web. February 11 2014.

(3) Personal website

     Rule, Greg. Home page. Web. November 16 2008.

(4) Online encyclopedia

     "Einstein, Albert" (1999) Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. April 27. 2009.

(5) Picture/diagram cited from the Internet

Creator. (Year of creation). Title. Media type (video, picture, diagram, etc.). Website name. Date of access. URL

     Sedov, Stas (2013) EuroMaidan rallies in Ukraine. Photograph. World Map.

     Web. February 12 2014.


"Marriage" (1997) Encyclopedia Judaica. CD-ROM. Vers. 1.0. Jerusalem: Judaica Multimedia.

9. Book review

1) Length: Around two sheets of A4 size paper

2) Form: Author (Year of publication). Title. Place of publication: Publishing house. ISBN

Write the name of author, affiliation and e-mail address a line below the body text.


   Doe, Jane (2006) Introduction to Slavic Folklore (World Folklore Series). Boston, MA: Slavic Publishing, ISBN



   John Smith, Department of ___, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,


[Reference] MLA In-Text Citations & quotations guide

"Son of Citation Machine" (2000) Studybreakmedia.

<Transliteration chart>


