번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
공지 회원가입방법: 우측 상단 「LOGIN」에서 종합정보 학번/비번 으로 로그인 -> 우측 상단 「INFO」에서 「홈페이지가입」 클릭 TESOL대학원 2016-01-28 142 -
76 [2019] Using TBLT to teach Vietnamese grade 7 students about Travel   Pham Thu Trang 2018-12-28 152 파일아이콘
75 [2019] Posters and Presentations through Cooperative Language Learning for Enhancing Oral Fluency   김보라 2018-12-27 208 파일아이콘
74 [2019] Using Cooperative Language Learning in EFL context to promote physical and psychological health   Angela Seiwon Kim 2018-12-26 136 파일아이콘
73 [2019]Developing Chinese Elementary Students’ English Listening and Speaking through TPRS   덩추안메이 2018-12-26 106 파일아이콘
72 [2019] Composing a Summary of a Personal Story Based on Text-Based Instruction   김윤희 2018-12-22 122 파일아이콘
71 [2019] Co-Development of Language and Thought: Two Debate Groups Working within Cooperative Learning Environment   유은채 2018-12-21 112 파일아이콘
70 [2019] Pair-based Collaborative Writing Wiki Project   이소은 2018-12-21 95 파일아이콘
69 [2019] Critical, Reflective Writing through Communicative Language Teaching   배영희 2018-12-21 123 파일아이콘
68 [2019] Teaching lexical chunks through storybooks for children   김승아 2018-12-21 205 파일아이콘
67 [2019] Foods Around the World : Using CLT to Develop Communicative Language Ability   김민경 2018-12-20 151 파일아이콘
66 (2019) Mediate Language by Language in Collaborative Tasks   이항찬 2018-12-20 82 파일아이콘
65 [2019]Improving EFL Students’ Presentation Skills and Language Proficiency through CBI and Blended Learning   허고은 2018-12-20 138 파일아이콘
64 [2019] Using Cooperative Learning to Create Future Three-Day New York City Travel Plan   이상욱 2018-12-20 151 파일아이콘
63 [2019] Poster Presentations and Engaging Students in Interactive Tasks through Task-Based Language Teaching   손영주 2018-12-19 155 파일아이콘
62 [2019] Developing EFL Primary Students' Communicative Competence through Communicative Language Teaching   김소망 2018-12-18 154 파일아이콘