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글번호 : 162179702

작성일 : 22.07.11 | 조회수 : 203

제목 : 조영한 교수, 김수은 연구원 공동 연구 논문 출판 글쓴이 : 국제협력전략센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

코레아노폰 연구센터 센터장 조영한 교수와 김수은 연구원이 공동 연구 논문을 Globalisation, Societies and Education에 출판하였습니다.

동남아시아 출신 한국학 전공자의 지식 이동을 한국 정부와의 공모성이라는 관점으로 조명하여 분석하였습니다.

Complicit mobility: Southeast Asian students in Korean Studies and their inter-Asia knowledge migrations




This study examines the knowledge migrations of Southeast Asian students to South Korean universities with the purpose of pursuing postgraduate degrees in the discipline of Korean Studies. By deploying an ethnographic approach, this study illuminates their academic processes of becoming academics in Korean Studies – from sponsored students in South Korea to professors in their home countries. In order to conceptualise their inter-Asian knowledge migrations, we suggest the term ‘complicit mobility’, which illuminates the strategic choices of these Southeast Asian students, their adjusted aspirations in choosing Korean Studies as their majors, as well as their negotiated collaboration with the Korean Government, institutes and personnel.


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