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글번호 : 165197933

작성일 : 22.12.30 | 조회수 : 199

제목 : Globalisation, Societies and Education의 특집호 소개(조영한 교수, 김수은 연구원 공동 연구 논문 수록) 글쓴이 : 국제협력전략센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

코레아노폰 연구센터 센터장 조영한 교수와 김수은 연구원이 집필한 공동 연구 논문이 수록된 Globalisation, Societies and Education의 특집호 “In and out of South Korea: Examining inter-Asian mobilities in higher education”가 2023년에 공식 출판됩니다.


이번 특집호는 한국 내/외부의 지식이동을 다룬 여섯 편의 논문과 세 편의 코멘터리로 구성되어 있습니다. 자세한 내용과 수록 논문은 아래를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.


스페셜 이슈 소개 (Globalisation, Societies and Education)


We’re happy to announce the publication of the special issue “In and out of South Korea: Examining inter-Asian mobilities in higher education” by Globalisation, Societies, Education. This special issue pays close attention to South Korea as an important node of inter-Asian student mobility—a significant departure from the twentieth-century pattern when Asian countries were largely suppliers of students to Anglophone universities. The six original research articles and three commentaries in this issue discuss the shifting global landscape of student mobility, which is characterized by a non-elite and middle-class turn in study abroad and the concurrent marketization and active state involvement in regional globalization.

This special issue will be of interest to readers in Asian studies, global higher education, and globalization. The articles apply ethnographic methods to examine how the modern Asian student challenges normative models of hierarchy, success, and cultural experience based on Western experiences of study abroad, and ask what constitutes successful study abroad and how scholars should discuss it.


수록 논문 및 코멘터리



Kang, Jiyeon, Younghan Cho, and Phan Le-Ha. 2022. “In and out of South Korea: Examining Inter-Asian Mobilities in Higher Education.”


Kang, Jiyeon, and Kyongah Hwang. 2022. “Belonging Otherwise: Chinese Undergraduate Students at South Korean Universities.”


Kim, Sueun, and Younghan Cho. 2022. “Complicit Mobility: Southeast Asian Students in Korean Studies and Their Inter-Asia Knowledge Migrations.”


Kim, Dohye. 2022. “Timing Game: Postgraduate Lives of Vietnamese and Mongolian Students from Korean Regional Universities.”


Lipura, Sarah Jane D. 2022. “Fringe Capital and Perceived Values of Korean Educational Mobilities (KEM) in Asia: The Case of Korean Degree-Seeking Students in the Philippines.”


PHAN, Le Ha, DANG Thi Phuong Anh, and NGO Hang T.D. 2022. “(Accidental) Internationalisation of Higher Education beyond English, and Complementary, Intersecting Desires: Korean International Students Pursuing Education in Vietnam.”


Phan, Le Ha, Yabit Alas, Najib Noorashid, Sinil Lee, Kyoungkon Lee, and Masitah Shahrill. 2022. “Examining the Odd, Not the Norm: Korean International Students in Brunei Darussalam – a Less-Known Place in Asia.”


Jo, Ji-Yeon O. 2022. “Inter-Asia Student Mobilities in and out of South Korea: A Call for Transnationalising Korean Studies.”


Cheng, Yi’En. 2022. “Asian Student Mobilities at the ‘Edges’ of Global Higher Education.”



O’Regan, John P. 2022. “The Capitalist Dialectics of International Student Mobility in the Modern World-System.”

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