
About HUFS


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About HUFS

About HUFS

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies is the birthplace of foreign language education in Korea and teaches 45 languages of Asia, the Middle East and other major regions of the world. HUFS graduates now play vital roles in international trade and diplomatic affairs. In addition to its focus on the theory and practice of foreign languages, HUFS also encourages students to use the language skills that they have acquired to study the politics, economy, society and culture of each region of the world.

HUFS is a specialized university that educates students to become creative experts, international Koreans and independent researchers who will contribute to the development and exchange of culture. HUFS is a coeducational school with around 17,000 undergraduate students in 78 departments within 18 colleges. HUFS has educational exchange ties with 602 universities in 97 countries worldwide.

HUFS Profile

- Campus: Seoul Campus, Global Campus (Yongin)
- Colleges: 18 Colleges, 78 Departments (Seoul & Global)
- Graduate Schools: 9 Graduate Schools
- Research Institutes: 3 Centers, 27 Institutes
- Total No. of Faculty Members: 841
- No. of International Professors: 200
- No. of Students: 17,345 Undergraduate students / 2,574 Graduate students
- No. of International students: ~1,774 international students from 90 countries
- International Exchanges: 97 countries, 602 Universities (as of July. 2019)
- Total Alumni: 150,000

Colleges in Seoul Campus (Seoul)

College of English
College of Occidental Languages
College of Asian Languages & Cultures
College of Chinese
College of Japanese
College of Social Science
College of Business and Economics
College of Business Administration
College of Education
Division of International Studies
Division of KFL

Colleges in Global Campus (Yongin)

College of Humanities
College of Interpretation & Translation
College of Central & East European Studies
College of International & Area Studies
College of Economics and Business
College of Natural Science
College of Engineering
Division of Biomedical Engineering