

location   l ENGLISH l Faculty
Department Faculty
dot Ill-Hwan Rim
dot E-Mail : ihrim@hufs.ac.kr
dot Office : Humanities, Economics & Business Building, Room 320
dot Phone : 031) 330-4281
dot Research Area : Epistemology, Analytic Philosophy
dot Tchi-Wan Park
dot Office : Humanities, Economics & Business Building, Room 322
dot Phone : 031) 330-4677
dot Research Area : Comparative Philosophy of Culture, Philosophy of Art
dot Seong-Woo Yun
dot Office : Centennial Complex (Main Building), Room 715
dot Phone : 031) 330-4341
dot Research Area : Modern Philosophy, French Philosophy
dot Won-Myoung Kim
dot Office : Humanities, Economics & Business Building, Room 305
dot Phone : 031) 330-4725
dot Research Area : Korean Buddist Philosophy
dotSeongmin Hong


dot E-Mail : mean@hufs.ac.kr


dot Office : Humanities, Economics & Business Building, Room 307


dot Phone : 031) 330-4811


dot Research Area : Confucian philosophy, Chinese Philosophy
dot Young-Woo Kwon
dot Office : Humanities, Economics & Business Building, Room 304
dot Phone : 031) 330-4563
dot Research Area : German Modern Philosophy, Ethics
Emeritus Faculty
dot Hee-Young Park
dot E-Mail : idea@hufs.ac.kr
dot Research Area : Ancient Greek Philosophy
dot Jeong-Keun Park
dot Research Area : Chinese Philosophy, Metaphysics
dot Ki-Sang Lee
dot Research Area : German Philosophy, Metaphysics