Academic Activities | ![]() |
2019. 1. 10~12. 2019 International Conference on Humanistic Studies in HUFS : "East and West as Centers in the centerless World", hosted by CORE at HUFS, sponsored by NRF and cooperated with Department of Philosophy and Institute of Philosophy and Culture
2019 International Conference on Humanistic Studies in HUFS
(January 10-12, 2019, Global Campus HUFS, South Korea)
Subject: “East and West as Centers in the Centerless World”
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
(Global Campus: Centennial Complex (the 1st floor), International Seminar Hall
(organized by CORE at HUFS and sponsored by NRF)
Date | Section | Time | Speaker | Theme |
January 10. | Reception and Opening | 9:45- 10:00 | Opening Speech | |
Keynote Speech | 10:00-10:30 | Prof. Tchi-Wan Park (Department of Philosophy, HUFS) | Is Center Replaceable? | |
Section1: International Studies | 10:30-11:00 | Prof. Chang Min Lee (Division of Integrated Japanese Studies, HUFS) | Exploitation or Facilitation?: Effects of Japanese Direct Investment in Korea under the Colonial Rule | |
11:00-11:30 | Prof. Seungwon Song (Department of Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation, HUFS) | Remembering Origins in North Maluku: Foundation Discourses and Means of Conceiving Them | ||
11:30-12:00 | Prof. Koudela Pál (Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences) | Migration Policy as Means of Cultural Identity Formation in the Visegrad Countries | ||
Lunch Time | ||||
13:30-14:00 | Prof. Péter Krisztián Zachar (National University of Public Service) | New Tools for a Dynamic, Sustainable and Social Economy in Central Europe: The DCCA Initiative | ||
14:00-14:30 | Prof. Kyu-Deug Hwang (Division of African Studies, HUFS) | Some Reflections on Indigenous Approaches to Building Peace in Africa | ||
14:30-15:00 | Prof. Young-Woo Kwon (Department of Philosophy, HUFS) | Subjectivity and Inter-Subjectivity in International Studies | ||
Break Time | ||||
Section2: Language and Literature | 15:30-16:00 | Prof. Dongkyu Kim (Division of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture, HUFS) | A Study of Non-Politeness and Its Tolerance in Contemporary Japanese Communication: Focusing on Recognition of Intermediate and Advanced-Grade Japanese learners | |
16:00-16:30 | Prof. Young-Jin Keum (Division of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture, HUFS) | Westernization and Its Repulsion Seen from Japanese literature and Culture, and to become the center | ||
16:30-17:00 | Prof. Changhak Moon (Division of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture, HUFS) | On the System of Parts of Speech in Japanese and Korean | ||
17:00-17:30 | Mingjie Dan (PhD Student, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, HUFS) | A Study of Korean Translation of Chinese Dish Names from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication | ||
17:30-18:00 | Lianzi Piao (MA Student, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, HUFS) | Analysis of Four-Word Idioms in Notheast Dialect | ||
18:00-18:30 | Young-Hyeon Ryu (PhD Candidate, Texas A&M University) | Sympathy of Perception and Moral Judgment: A Reading of J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace | ||
Dinner Time | ||||
January 11. | Section3: History and Philosophy | 10:00-10:30 | Dr. Sookhwa Lee (Department of History, HUFS) Youngjin Jeong (PhD Candidate, Department of History, HUFS) | Diplomacy(1905~1908) and Oriental Peace Theory of Na Yinyeong |
10:30-11:00 | Prof. Alexander Kim (Department of international Relations and Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service) | Deribas and “Korean question” in USSR at 1920-1930s. | ||
11:00-11:30 | Jon Chang | New Evidence on East Asians in Soviet Intelligence | ||
11:30-12:00 | Yeon-soo Ahn (MA Student, Department of History, HUFS) | Formation and History of Turkish Communities in Germany | ||
Lunch Time | ||||
13:30-14:00 | Dr. Ermylos Plevrakis (Department of Philosophy, University of Tübingen) | Globalization and the End of History | ||
14:00-14:30 | Prof. Young Ran Chang (Minerva College, HUFS) | The Concept of Zhonghe in Aristotle and Confucianism | ||
14:30-15:00 | Dr. Matsuzawa Hiroki (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ohtani University) | Dynamic Structure of Human Existence in Watsuji Tetsuro's Ethics | ||
15:00-15:30 | Prof. Ralf Beuthan (Department of Philosophy, Myongji University) | Nowhere of now here?: Thoughts on the Diversity of Philosophical View Points | ||
Break Time | ||||
16:00-16:30 | Prof. Dae Seong Jeong (Institute for Modern Korean Studies, Yonsei University) | After the Enlightment: A Criticism of Criticism of Eurocentricism | ||
16:30-17:00 | Prof. Christian Spahn (Department of Philosophy, Keimyung University) | Reason and the Geography of Thought: Philosophical Reflexctions on Cultural Psychology | ||
17:00-17:30 | Prof. Yong Chen (Department of Philosophy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) | Kant and Heidegger on Freedom and Autonomy | ||
17:30-18:00 | Heechul Oh (PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, HUFS) | The Gettier Intuition across Cultures | ||
18:00-18:30 | Prof. Guanjun Wu (Department of Political Science, East China Normal University) | The Rivalry of Spectacle: A Debordian Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Culture | ||
Dinner Time | ||||
January 12. | 10:00-10:30 | Prof. Won-Myoung Kim (Department of Philosophy, HUFS) Se-Young Seo (PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, HUFS) Hye Young Lee (PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, HUFS) | Centerless Center, Wonhyo’s One Mind | |
10:30-11:00 | Dr. Sunjin Yang (Department of Philosophy, HUFS) | Korean philosopher, Jung Je-du's korean Modernization and life Subject | ||
Closing Address |
2017. 12. 22. The 2017 2nd Winter Joint Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture and the Department of Philosophy, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (henceforth HUFS).
2017.12.15~17. CORE International Conference: Interactive Influence of East- West Thought as Mutual Exchange of East-West Culture, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS and CORE Project Group, Busan University of Foreign Studies.
CORE International Conference: Interactive Influence of East-West Thought
as Mutual Exchange of East-West Culture
2017.12.15. | |||
Opening Remarks | |||
12:50-13:00 | Seok-Man Yoon | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Opening Remarks |
Hyun-Bum Ko | Busan University of Foreign Studies | ||
Section 1 | |||
Moderator: Hyun-Bum Ko (Busan University of Foreign Studies) | |||
13:00-13:30 | Heechul Oh, Ill-Hwan Rim | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Confucian Bi-Level Virtue Epistemology |
13:30-14:00 | Sun-Jin Yang | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | A Korean Philosopher, Jedu Jeong and Phenomenology of Life |
14:00-14:30 | Ja-Yeon Lee | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | The Problematic of Grammar for ‘Scientific’ Interpretation of Eastern Philosophy |
14:30-15:00 | Keith David Turner | Busan University of Foreign Studies | The Role of Women in Confucian Korea: A Study of Folk Lore and Folk Tales |
Section 2 | |||
Moderator: Yong Chen (Shanghai Jiaotong University) | |||
15:30-16:00 | Sunny Yang | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | "Emotion and Akrasia (Weakness of the Will): The Possibility of Inverse-Akrasia in Hume’s Sympathy-Based Morality" |
16:00-16:30 | Jeong-Ah Jang | Pusan National University | Possibility of Intercultural Communication through "Philia" |
16:30-17:00 | Daniel Hutto | The University of Wollongong | Expanding the Western Imagination: The Need to Engage with Eastern Philosophy of Mind |
Moderator: Sunny Yang (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) | |||
17:00-17:30 | Yong Chen | Shanghai Jiaotong University | Mou Zongsan on Kant on Thing-in-Itself |
17:30-18:00 | Hiroki Matsuzawa | Ohtani University | The Influence of E. Swedenborg on the Concept of Spirituality in D. T. Suzuki |
18:00-18:30 | Philip W. Gitelman | Busan University of Foreign Studies | Shifts in Consciousness: The Effects of Far Right Politics on American Public Discourse |
18:30-19:00 | Hyun-Bum Ko | Busan University of Foreign Studies | On the Acceptance of Hegel's Philosophy in Korea |
2017.12.16. | |||
Section 3 | |||
Moderator: Carl Sean O’Brien (Heidelberg University) | |||
10:00-10:30 | Seong-Woo Yun | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | “The Concepts of Translation in Romantic Germany and in the Colonial Period of Korea” |
10:30-11:00 | Won-Myoung Kim, Jin-Kyu Jeong | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | A Comparative Study of Emotion in the East and the West Focused on the Trolley Problem |
11:00-11:30 | Ralf Beuthan | Myongji University | Beyond the Standard Pattern towards an Intercultural Dialogue: Hegel’s Concept of the Self |
11:30-12:00 | Kwang-Sun Joo | Pusan National University | Modernization and Shin Chaeho |
Moderator: Ralf Beuthan (Myongji University) | |||
14:00-14:30 | Se-Won Kim, Se-Young Seo | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | A Dialogue on Evil between the East and the West: Xunzi’s Thought on Human and Evil that Ricœur Meets |
14:30-15:00 | Bau-Ruei Duh | National Taiwan University | Epistemology in Western and Gung Fu Lun in Eastern |
15:00-15:30 | Carl Sean O’Brien | Heidelberg University | Classical Languages, Literature and Nation-Building in Post-Colonial East and West: The Cases of India and Ireland |
15:30-16:00 | Liubov Tarchimaeva, Nadezda Kuzenkova | Busan University of Foreign Studies | Russian Culture in Busan and Its Specificity |
2017.12.17. | |||
Section 4 | |||
Moderator: Young-Woo Kwon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) | |||
10:00-10:30 | Tchi-Wan Park, YunJae Kim | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | The Hegemony of Western Philosophy at the Point of Local: Yesterday and Today |
10:30-11:00 | Jungman Park | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Cultural Terrorist from the East: Rethinking Nam June Paik's Impact on the West and Hist Aesthetics of Healing |
Moderator: Jungman Park (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) | |||
11:30-12:00 | Guanjun Wu | NYU Shanghai | China in Its Spectacular Age: A Cultural-Political Analysis |
12:00-12:30 | Young-Woo Kwon | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | On Implication of Leibniz's Understanding China |
Closing Remarks | |||
12:30-12:40 | Young-Woo Kwon | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Closing Remarks |
2017.11. The 10th HUFS Debating Championships, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.10.25. 2017.10.25. CORE Special Lecture on Humanities Interchange: “The Birth of the East and the West Countury”, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.09.22. CORE International Invited Lecture: “Intercultural dialogue between Korea, japan, China focused on Historical Memory, Urban Regeneration, Cultural Industry”, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.08.16~17. The 2017 Summer Joint Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture and the Department of Philosophy: Human Nature in the East and the West, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS.
2017.08.16. Creative CORE Invited Lecture: Jong Seok Na, “Confucius on the Way of Gentleman and Socrates on the Rational Life”, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.06.03. Joint Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, GICC and the Assosication for Humanities Contents: Culture, Space, Translation, hosted by GICC, the Assosication for Humanities Contents, and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.05.22. Creative CORE Invited Lecture: Kwang-sun Joo, “Chae-ho Shin from the perspective of Cross-Cultural Philosophy”, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.03.04. The 5th Workshop of KSAP Graduate Student Division, hosted by Graduate Student Division, Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.02.11~12. International Joint Conference: On the Status and Role of Humanities in the Age of Globalization, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS (with the University of Tokusima).
2017.02.06. CORE International Invited Lecture: Matsuzawa Hiroki, “A way to Self-Knowledge: Zen-Buddhism and Meister Eckhart” hosted by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2017.01.17~18. The 2017 Winter Joint Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture and the Department of Philosophy, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS.
2016.10.22. The 23rd Fall Conference of the Society of Studying in Korean, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS.
2016.08.19. The 2016 Summer Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture: Culture and Others, hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS. sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2016.05.21. The 2016 Spring Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture: Mythology and Contents, hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS. sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2016.05.07. The 114th Spring Conference of Korea Society for Hermeneutics: Philosophy, in the Age of Big Data, Asks the Root Again, hosted by Korea Society for Hermeneutics, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2016.01.28. The 113rd Winter Conference of Korea Society for Hermeneutics: Myth, Knowledge Contents, Interpretation, hosted by Korea Society for Hermeneutics, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.12.18~19. Joint Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture and the Department of Knowledge Contents, hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Culture and the Department of Knowledge Contents, HUFS, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.10.16. The 2015 Fall Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture: Diagnosing the 21st Century: Interpretation of the Myth of Digital Technology, Capital and consumer desire, hosted by Korea Society for Hermeneutics, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.10.13. The 2015 Fall Conference of the Daedong Philosophical Association: Philosophical Studies on the problem of suicide, hosted by the Daedong Philosophical Association, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.08.22. Invited Lecture: Tae-Chang Kim, “What is Korean spirituality?”, hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.08.10. The 2015 Summer Conference of the Korean Association of Ethics, hosted by the Korean Association of Ethics, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.08.01. The 111st Summer Conference of Korea Society for Hermeneutics: Contemporary Philosophy and Rhetoric hosted by Korea Society for Hermeneutics, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.
2015.07.14.~15. The 2015 Summer Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Culture: Identity and Difference: The East that Western Thought met and the West that Eastern Thought met
2015.05.23. The 2015 Spring Conference of Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, hosted by Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS
2015.05.09. The 110th Spring Conference of Korea Society for Hermeneutics: St. Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine and Paul Ricœur’s Time and Narrative, hosted by Korea Society for Hermeneutics, sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, HUFS.