PANN is the one and only sports club of DIS, where you can meet some cool and sporty guys. In PANN we mainly play soccer, basketball, and handball. Every year we participate in the school’s big sports events such as HUFS Worldcup and HUFS Basketball Party. Under the team name of “DIS”, we proudly compete with other departments with all our hearts. Any of you who are interested in sports are welcomed to have fun in PANN. We are not a professional sports team, we just enjoy sports together here, so no pressure joining our club. No matter what grade you are in, no matter where you are from, all you need is your passion. Hope to see you on field! Thank you.
Captain: Dohoon Kim ( 010-5371-3421 )
서울캠퍼스 02450 서울특별시 동대문구 이문로 107 사회과학관 한국외국어대학교 국제학부
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