
Welcoming message

location  l InContext l Welcoming message

We appreciate your visit with us at Language and Intercultural Studies Institute (LISI).

LISI is a forum for efforts to identify, define, and explore diverse types and histories of multi-cultural communications, their respective contributions to human history so far, and possibilities that lie ahead for humanity. Since the dawn of human existence, different cultures have talked to and transacted using different languages. One of the instrumental frameworks with which to understand the evolution of humankind thus far is the interdisciplinary approach considering, together, language as indispensable mediums and culture as the venue of actual interactions.

LISI offers a regular venue for listening to diverse approaches and voices therein toward various relevant issues. It biannually publishes InContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism as an academic summation of research in a variety of domains ranging from translation studies, gender and ideology studies, intercultural studies dealing with diverse regions and identities, among many others. The articles published will offer opportunities to share academic achievements and constructive ideas and provide interested readers with food for thought.

We at LISI welcome and are open to researchers interested in exploring possible marriage between language and culture. 

Cheong, Ho-Jeong