* 2017 Academic Calendar
Month Date Event 2~3 2. 27 Spring semester begins 2. 27 ~ 3. 3 ∙Period for changing registered courses for Spring semester ∙Application period for 논문지도 I, II ∙Submission period for 학위청구논문제출신청서(Application form for submitting graduation thesis) ∙Application period for 외국어시험(Foreign Language exam) 3. 1 삼일절, National Holiday 3. 6 ~ 3. 10 ∙Submission period for 지도교수배정신청원(Application form for matching advisor) ∙Application period for 종합시험(Comprehensive exam) 3. 20~3. 24 Cancellation of registered course for Spring semester 3. 24 The first quarter of Spring semester 3. 25 Test date of 외국어시험(Foreign Language exam) 4 4. 3 ~ 4. 7 Submission period for 학위논문지도교수승인서(Approval paper for submitting graduation thesis by advisor) 4. 10 ~ 6. 2 Evaluation period for graduation thesis(1 time in Master’s, 3 times in Ph.D course) 4. 13 ~ 4. 15 Test date of 종합시험(Comprehensive exam)-Global campus(13~14), Seoul campus(14~15) 4. 20 HUFS foundation day 4. 21 The second quarter of Spring semester 5 5. 1 May Day 5. 3 석가탄신일, National Holiday 5. 5 어린이날, National Holiday 5. 19 The third quarter of Spring semester 5. 22 ~ 6. 9 Evaluation period of thesis proposal(논문제안서 학과평가) 6 6. 6 현충일, National Holiday 6. 9 ∙Submission period of the result paper for thesis proposal ∙Submission period of the result paper for thesis evaluation(defense) 6. 12 ~ 6. 16 Final Examination 6. 19 Summer vacation 6. 26 ~ 6. 30 Period of finding out the grade and correction 7 7. 7 Deadline for submission of printed thesis 8 8. 7 ~ 8. 11 Period of applying for the leave of/return from absence 8. 15 광복절, National Holiday 8. 16 ~ 8. 18 Period of course registration 8. 18 Graduation ceremony 8. 28 Fall semester begins 8. 28 ~ 9. 1 ∙Period for changing registered courses for Fall semester ∙Application period for 논문지도 I, II ∙Submission period for 학위청구논문제출신청서(Application form for submitting graduation thesis) ∙Application period for 외국어시험(Foreign Language exam) 9 9. 4 ~ 9. 8 ∙Submission period for 지도교수배정신청원(Application form for matching advisor) ∙Application period for 종합시험(Comprehensive exam) 9. 18 ~ 9. 22 Cancellation of registered course for Fall semester 9. 22 The first quarter of Fall semester 9. 23 Test date of 외국어시험(Foreign Language exam) 10 10. 3 개천절, National Holiday 10. 4 ~ 10. 6 추석, National Holiday 10. 9 한글날, National Holiday 10. 10 ~ 10. 13 Submission period for 학위논문지도교수승인서(Approval paper for submitting graduation thesis by advisor) 10. 16 ~ 12. 08 Evaluation period for graduation thesis(1 time in Master’s, 3 times in Ph.D course) 10. 19 ~ 10. 21 Test date of 종합시험(Comprehensive exam)-Global campus(19~20), Seoul campus(20~21) 10. 20 The second quarter of Fall semester 11 11. 17 The third quarter of Fall semester 11. 20 ~ 12. 08 Evaluation period of thesis proposal(논문제안서 학과평가) 12 12. 08 ∙Submission period of the result paper for thesis proposal ∙Submission period of the result paper for thesis evaluation(defense) 12. 11 ~ 12. 15 Final Examination 12. 18 Winter vacation 12. 25 성탄절, National Holiday 12. 26 ~ 12. 29 Period of finding out the grade and correction 2018. 1 1. 1 신정, National Holiday 1. 5 Deadline for submission of printed thesis 2018. 2 2. 5 ~ 2. 9 Period of applying for the leave of/return from absence 2. 12 ~ 2. 14 Period of course registration 2. 15 ~ 2. 17 설날, National Holiday 2. 20 Graduation ceremony 2. 26 2018 Spring semester begins