Before registering for classes on the school webpage, students should review following instructions to register for classes.
Class schedules are available both online and offline at the Office of Registrar, prior to the online registration on school webpage (
Students should log in with their student ID (9 digit number) and password. The default password would be the date of birth (yymmdd). After browsing the class catalogue and syllabus for each department, you can select and save your class schedule. Please remember to log out from the page when the registration is complete.
In order to avoid any unfortunate circumstance for not being registered, make sure to confirm your name in the class roster.
Students are required to enroll for courses according to the required credit hours stated by the division.
Registering twice for the identical class does not count as separate credit hours.
After registering courses online, students must confirm selected courses and check whether the total credit hours does not exceed the maximum number of credit hours allowed for each semester. (Prerequisite course carries no weight and does not count as accumulated hours.)
Prerequisite courses
Those students who are required to register prerequisite courses need to complete required courses before completing their course work. Students, who wish to waive any prerequisite course, must fill out the Waiver Request form (available at BBS center of the Graduate School webpage or the Office of Registrar) with the approval from the advisor and the chair professor of the department. The final form needs to be submitted to the Office of Registrar no later than two (2) weeks after the beginning of the semester for the dean’s approval.
Students must finish prerequisite course(s) to complete the course work.
Master’s students can enroll for undergraduate courses only as prerequisite courses. In exceptional circumstances, however, it is possible for students to take undergraduate courses when they submit the required form (available at BBS center of the Graduate School webpage or the Office of Registrar) to the Office of Registrar no later than one (1) week after the beginning of the semester.
Doctoral students need to take prerequisite courses at master's level and confirm that courses are selected as prerequisite courses.
View your prerequisite courses
- To confirm your registration of prerequisite courses, visit the ‘General Academic Information’ webpage and check if the credit appears as ‘P’ on your schedule.
- The "P" indicates credit earned, reflected on the student's official transcript.
Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I & II and Graduation Thesis/Dissertation
Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I is offered to master's student in the third semester and doctoral students in their second or third semester, while Thesis/Dissertation Guidance II is provided to doctoral students in their third or fourth semester. For the Graduation Thesis/Dissertation course that students take in the thesis/dissertation writing stage, students cannot register the course online, but need to submit necessary documents related to Thesis/Dissertation Guidance and Graduation Thesis/Dissertation to the Office of Registrar. Then, the Office of Registrar will continue with the course registration for those students, who submitted the documents on time. (Refer to the webpage for more detailed information including the submission deadline).
* Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I, Thesis/Disseration Guidance II, and Graduation Thesis/Dissertation must be taken separately, one course per semester. That is, master’s students proceed in the order of Thesis Guidance I Graduation Thesis, while doctoral students take courses in the order of Dissertation Guidance I Dissertation Guidance II Graduation Dissertation.
Students may drop courses at any time before the midterm examination period of the semester.
As the class roster lists all registered students, students need to confirm their registration in the roster in order to avoid any possibility of not being registered. Courses not registered do not count as accumulated hours.
General electives
General elective courses are offered in an effort to enrich and diversify the graduate study.
Though students will mostly be graded on a basis of written examinations, instructors may decide to grade students by means of other research projects related to the course.
Grades are offered in the order of “A+,” “A0,” “B+,” “B0,” “C+,” “C0,” and “F”, where “F” will not be considered as credit earned. Also, “F” shall be assigned to a student who did not attend the course for more than a quarter of the required number of classes.
For the completion of course work, students must average “B” (equivalent to the number grade 3.0) or better.
Pass “P” grades will be assigned to prerequisite courses, Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I and II, and Graduation Thesis/Dissertation.
Students in Humanities and Social Science divisions are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours to complete the course work. Students can register for a maximum of 9 credits per semester.
Students in Language and Literature departments need to obtain a minimum of 18 credit hours in the field of studies (Linguistics/Literature) and a minimum of 6 credits in relevant areas of study (Literature/Linguistics).
Students whose field of undergraduate studies is different from the field of study in the program must additionally obtain 9 credit hours of undergraduate prerequisite courses before completing the course work.
Students in Natural Science and Engineering divisions are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours before completing the course work. Students can register for up to 9 credits per semester.
Students whose field of undergraduate studies is different from the field of study in the program must additionally obtain 12 credit hours of undergraduate prerequisite courses before completing the course work.
Students in Area Studies (International Affairs, Korean Studies, Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, and Russian Studies), Archives and Information, and Global Culture & Contents are required to complete a minimum of 33 credit hours for the completion of the course work. Students can register for up to 12 credits per semester.
As advised by the chair and the advisor, students should take 70% of credit hours from the field of studies and 30% from other relevant areas of study.
Though students will mostly be graded on a basis of written examinations, instructors may decide to grade students by means of other research projects related to the course. b. Grades are offered in the order of “A+,” “A0,” “B+,” “B0,” “C+,” “C0,” and “F”, where “F” will not be considered as credit earned. Also, “F” shall be assigned to a student who did not attend the course for more than a quarter of the required number of classes. c. For the completion of course work, students must average “B” (equivalent to the number grade 3.0) or better. d. Pass “P” grades will be assigned to prerequisite courses, Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I and II, and Graduation Thesis/Dissertation.
Although prerequisite courses are not considered as credits earned in completing the course work, they must be completed before the completion of the course work.
Students who had their minor or second major in the same area of their master’s study may qualify for the course waiver. Students need to fill out the Waiver Request form (available at BBS center of the Graduate School webpage or the Office of Registrar) with the approval from the chair of the department. Along with the Waiver Request form, students need to submit a copy of undergraduate transcript to the Office of Registrar no later than two (2) weeks after the beginning of the semester for the dean’s approval. With the approval, all or part of prerequisite courses will be waived.
Regardless of students’ divisions of study, students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credit hours to complete the course work. Students can register for a maximum of 9 credits per semester.
Students in Language and Literature divisions need to obtain a minimum of 27 credit hours in the major field and a minimum of 9 credits in relevant areas of study.
Doctoral students who demonstrate extraordinary development and achievement may be nominated by the advisor and the chair of the department to take extra 3 credit hours (up to the total of 9 credit hours) each semester. This advancement is not an option for freshmen.
Doctoral students who obtained master’s degree in other fields of study or from a professional or specialized graduate school are required to register for prerequisite courses, based on the discussion with the advisor and the chair of the department.
Although prerequisite courses are not considered as credits earned in completing the course work, they are compulsory courses.
Doctoral students take prerequisite courses offered at master's level.
For more detailed information, contact the Office of Registrar.
Students whose courses taken in their master’s study are related to their doctoral study may qualify for the course waiver. Students need to fill out the Waiver Request form (available at BBS center of the Graduate School webpage or the Office of Registrar) with the approval from the chair of the department. Along with the Waiver Request form, students need to submit a copy of graduate transcript to the Office of Registrar no later than two (2) weeks after the beginning of the semester for the dean’s approval. With the approval, all or part of prerequisite courses will be waived.
Credits gained at accredited or recognized institutions of higher education, both domestic and international, are eligible for consideration for transfer credit. However, students should have completed the course work or graduated with same degree in the same area of specialization. Transferring credit can result in earlier completion of courses up to a maximum of six months (one semester) for both master’s and doctoral students.
Students who attempt to reduce the length of their study need to have the Petition for Transfer Credit form be formally evaluated by the chair of the department. Then, the petition should be filed to the Office of Registrar no later than two (2) weeks after the beginning of the semester, in order to be submitted for approval by the dean of the graduate school.
All students enrolled at the university have online access to information on courses, class registration, student records, and transcript. (Click on the [General Academic Information] tab found on the HUFS webpage,
Within the HUFS webpage, students can browse academic calendars, register for classes, check class registration, add/drop courses, check their grades, submit course evaluations, manage student records, course catalogues and course schedules, check their academic awards, request leaves of absence and return, and much more.
Following any change of personal information (address, phone number, etc.), a student must modify and save the updated information online via the [General Academic Information].