The department of Global Multi-modal Convergence enables students to understand global language resources and natural language processing. Based on these knowledge, we train professionals who can utilize language processing tool and analysis of global big data so that we can prepare a demand for experts of internal and external information gathering demanded by the Government and the industrial world and issue finding, trends grasp, tendency prediction through the analysis of them.
On the aspect of education, cultivate understanding and managing skill about language analysis system and integrated thinking ability.
Train professionals who can contribute to reinforce industrial competitiveness by developing innovative knowledge and leading and applying technology on Linguistics and Cognitive Science and Statistics as well as the convergence of information control engineering field.
On the aspect of study, for multilingual convergence service, the field of understanding, analysis and application of the multilingual documents leads the activating of interdisciplinary convergence study by utilizing basic knowledges like linguistics, engineering and statistics.
As performing the most competitive research and development, train professionals who can contribute to reinforce the national industrial competitiveness by creating a driving force of economic growth of related field and discovering a innovative paradigm.
Nam, Jeesun
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Paris VII
Computational Linguistics, Lexical and Grammatical Theory, Lexicography
Song, Jaemog
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of London
Language Typology, Morphology, Mongolian Language.
Yun, Seong Woo
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Univ. of Paris VII
Philosophy, Ontology, French Philosophy.
Yun, Il Dong
Ph.D., Seoul National University
Signal Processing, Virtual Reality, Graphics
Rhee, Yunseok
Ph.D. in Computer Science,
Korea Advances Institute of Science & Technology
Distributed Parallel Systems, Computer Architecture
Choi, Jaeyoung
Ph.D., Korea Advances Institute of Science & Technology
Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition
Lim, Seung-Ho
Ph.D., Korea Advances Institute of Science & Technology
Embedded Systems, Flash File Systesms
Cho, Sang Young
Ph.D., Korea Advances Institute of Science & Technology
Parallel Processing, Computer Architecture & VLSI
Ph.D in Linguistic., Universite Toulouse Le Mirail
Phonology, Phonetics, Speech Processing.