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Overview of Dissertation Submission for Master’s degree conferral


a. Master’s students are required to submit the Master’s Thesis Proposal Form and the Declaration of Responsible Research
   Ethics and Conduct for Thesis.
   1) Submission deadline: The beginning of every semester
   2) Submission procedure: Master’s students need to complete the ‘Master’s Thesis Proposal Form’ and the ‘Declaration
       of Ethical Conduct in Research for Thesis’. The completed forms with the approval from the advisor and the chair of the
       department must be submitted to the Office of Registrar.
   3) Eligibility
      i) Students who completed the required credit hours
      ii) Students who passed or expected to pass all subjects of the foreign language exam and the comprehensive exam
      iii) Students who finished Thesis Guidance I with the same advisor
      iv) Students who have registered for at least four (4) semesters, but have completed the course work less than 5 years
      ※ Although students can take the foreign language exam and the comprehensive exam at the same time as the thesis
          proposal, students cannot submit the thesis proposal form if they fail any exam.
      ※ A Master Thesis Committee is comprised of a full-time professor or an expert in the area significant to the student.
          However, emeritus professors, retired professors, and adjust instructors may not serve on dissertation committees.

b. Master’s students are required to submit the ‘Advisor’s Written Report’ on the Thesis Guidance period and the progress.
   1) Thesis Guidance: Before the thesis defense, a master’s student is required to complete at least a semester of Thesis
       Guidance (Thesis Guidance I)
   2) The ‘Advisor’s Written Report’ provides information on the progress during the Thesis Guidance and the content of the
       thesis so that the thesis can be evaluated of its adequacy as a Graduation Thesis.
   3) Submission deadline: Spring semester – the beginning of April, Fall semester – the beginning of October
   4) Submission procedure: Master’s students need to complete the ‘Advisor’s Written Report’ (available at Graduate School
      webpage Thesis/Dissertation Forms #13) and submit the form with the approval from the advisor to the Office
      of Registrar.

c. Master’s students are required to submit the ‘Approval for Thesis Submission’ and the thesis manuscript and further schedule
    thesis defense.
    When the thesis is approved to be reviewed as the thesis by the advisor, master’s students need to submit the ‘Approval
    for Thesis Submission’ with the approval from the advisor and the chair of the department, along with the thesis manuscript
    (All necessary documents must be submitted by the deadline for consideration).
   * Thesis submission must accompany the ‘Advisor’s Written Report on the Thesis Guidance.’
   1) Submission deadline: Spring semester – the beginning of May, Fall semester – the beginning of November
   2) Required attachments
      i) 3 copies of the thesis manuscript (bound)
      ii) 1 copy of the ‘Approval for Thesis Submission’ (a prescribed form)
      iii) Thesis Review Fees: 150,000 won (A student, who is a research student of that semester, is exempt from the thesis
           review fee. The term of payment will be announced.)
   3) Thesis Defense Period: Spring semester – the end of May, Fall semester – the end of November
   4) Submission deadline for the Thesis Defense Announcement: Spring semester – the beginning of June, Fall semester 
       – the beginning of December

d. Master’s students are required to submit a printed version of the thesis to the library. (The approved thesis may be printed 
    and bound after the announcement of the successful thesis defense.)
   1) Submission deadline: Spring semester – the beginning of July, Fall semester – the beginning of January
   ※ If a student’s printed and bound version is received after the deadline, the student will be not be able have his/her
      degree conferred.
     [Thesis committee members need to sign the printed and bound version to complete the thesis evaluation.>]
   2) Submission of Thesis: Students need to upload the thesis to the ‘Submission of Graduation Thesis’ via library webpage
       and submit the printed and bound version of thesis (All master’s programs except the Department of Law: 8 copies, the
       Department of Law: 10 copies)
   3) Submission of documents to the Office of Registrar
      i) Approval of the Graduation Thesis Submission (The approval needs to be uploaded and printed from the library with
         its seal)
      ii) 1 copy of the Approval form with the signatures of committee members
      iii) Graduation fee: 20,000 won

Overview of Dissertation Submission for Doctoral degree conferral


a. Doctoral students are required to submit the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Form and the Declaration of Responsible
    Research Ethics and Conduct for Dissertation.
   1) Submission deadline: Spring semester – the beginning of March, Fall semester – the beginning of September
   2) Submission procedure: Doctoral students need to complete the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Form
      (available at Graduate School webpage Thesis/Dissertation Forms #14) and the ‘Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research
     for Dissertation’ (available at Graduate School webpage Thesis/Dissertation Forms #18). The completed forms with the
     approval from the advisor and the head professor of the department must be submitted to the Office of Registrar.
   3) Eligibility
      i) Students who completed the required credit hours
      ii) Students who passed or expected to pass all subjects of the foreign language exam and the comprehensive exam
      iii) Students who finished Dissertation Guidance I & II with the same advisor
      iv) Students who have completed the course work less than 5 years ago
      v) Students who have registered for at least four (4) semesters
      vi) Students who were research students in the fall semester of 2011 (Students should verify if they are considered
         as research )
      ※ Although students can take the foreign language exam and the comprehensive exam at the same time as the
          dissertation proposal, students cannot submit the dissertation proposal form if they fail any exam.
      ※ A Doctoral Dissertation Committee is comprised of a full-time professor or an expert in the area significant to the
         student. However, emeritus professors, retired professors, and adjust instructors may not serve on dissertation

b. Doctoral students are required to complete at least two semesters of Dissertation Guidance (Dissertation Guidance I & II).

c. Doctoral students are required to submit the ‘Approval for Dissertation Submission’ and the dissertation manuscript and
    further schedule dissertation defense.
   1) Submission deadline: Spring semester – the beginning of April, Fall semester – the beginning of October
       (submitted to the Office of Registrar)
   2) Required attachments
      i) 5 copies of the dissertation manuscript (bounded)
      ii) 1 copy of the ‘Approval for Dissertation Submission’ (available at Graduate School webpage Thesis/Dissertation
         Forms #12)
      iii) Dissertation Review Fees: 580,000 won (A student, who is a research student of that semester, is exempt from the
         dissertation review fee. The term of payment will be announced.)
   3) Dissertation Defense Period: Spring semester – the end of May, Fall semester – the end of November
   4) Submission deadline for the Dissertation Defense Announcement: Spring semester – the beginning of June, Fall semester
      – the beginning of December

d. Doctoral students are required to submit a printed and bound version of the dissertation to the library.
    (The approved dissertation may be printed and bound after the announcement of successful dissertation defense.)
   1) Submission deadline: Spring semester – the beginning of July, Fall semester – the beginning of January
      ※ If a student’s printed version is received after the deadline, the student will be not be able have his/her degree
      <Dissertation committee members need to sign the printed and bound version to complete the dissertation defense.>
   2) Submission of Dissertation: Students need to upload the dissertation to the ‘Submission of Graduation Dissertation’ via
       library webpage and submit the printed and bound version of dissertation (All doctoral programs except the Department
       of Law: 8 copies, the Department of Law: 10 copies)
   3) Submission of documents to the Office of Registrar
      i) Approval of the Graduation Dissertation Submission
         (The approval needs to be uploaded and printed from the library with its seal)
      ii) 1 copy of the Approval form with the signatures of committee members
      iii) Graduation fee: 20,000 won

Academic Advisors


a. Academic advisors are the means by which the Graduate School provides individualized guidance for pursuit of the student’s degree and ensure that the student demonstrates academic excellence. With the appointed advisors, students can submit the graduation thesis/dissertation developed from the Thesis/Dissertation Guidance course, where master’s students are required for a minimum of 6 months of Thesis Guidance I and doctoral students need at least two semesters of Dissertation Guidance I & II.

b. Qualifications required for academic advisors
   1) Academic advisors for a master’s student need to at least be a full-time instructor of the faculty, sharing the
       same concentration area with the student.
   2) Academic advisors for a doctoral student need to at least be an assistant professor of the faculty, sharing the
       same concentration area.

c. Academic advisors provide the guidance on
   1) the student’s graduation thesis/dissertation writing process and thesis/dissertation defense
   2) the student’s course registration
   3) the evaluation of thesis/dissertation proposal for students in Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I & II
   4) the student’s overall school life and professional development

d. Procedure to request for academic advisors (available at Graduate School webpage Thesis/Dissertation Forms #2)
   Students obtain the ‘Request for Academic Advisor Form’ from the Office of Registrar, which sends ‘the list of students
   without advisors’ to the chair of the department. Based on the ‘Request for Academic Advisor Form,’ the student will have
   an interview with the chair of the department. Considering the student’s concentration area, the chair will recommend an
   advisor to the student. Then, after an interview with the recommended advisor, the student submits the completed
   ‘Request for Academic Advisor Form’ with signatures of the advisor and the chair to the Office of Registrar for the final 
  approval of advisor appointment by the dean of the graduate school.

e. Submission deadline for requesting academic advisors: Spring semester – the beginning of March, Fall semester
   – the beginning of September Students are required to submit the completed ‘Request for Academic Advisor Form’ with
  signatures of the advisor and the head professor to the Office of Registrar.

f. Change of academic advisor
   Students wishing to change from one advisor to another are permitted to do so. For any circumstance, including the
   move or retirement of academic advisors, students must initiate the procedure by completing Change of Advisor Form, which
   may be obtained via the graduate school webpage (Graduate School webpage Thesis/Dissertation Forms #1) and submit the
   form for the approval from the dean of the graduate school. Although the credits for Thesis/Dissertation Guidance are not
   acknowledged when students change academic advisor in principle, they are advised to confer the issue with the Office of
   Registrar beforehand.

Research Student


a. Eligibility
   1) Master’s students need to have completed the course work more than 1 semester ago and be a candidate waiting
       to defend the graduation thesis.
   2) Doctoral students need to have completed the course work more than 2 semesters ago and be a candidate waiting
       to defend the graduation dissertation.

b. Registration and payment
   1) Submission and payment deadline: The beginning of every semester
   2) Submission procedure: Students must submit the completed ‘Request for Research Student Form’ (available at Graduate
       School webpage Thesis/Dissertation Forms, the Graduate School’s Office of Registrar, and the General Academic Support 
       Center of the Yongin Global Campus) to the Office of Registrar or the General Academic Support Center in the Global   
       Campus to receive the notice of payment.
   3) Methods of Payment: Students may only pay in person at Woori bank located in both Seoul and Global campuses.

c. Registration fees: Registration fees are 20% and 30% of the semester’s tuition for master’s students and doctoral students,

d. Research students who made the payment are exempt from the thesis/dissertation review fee. As far as refund,
    the amount of a refund would vary depending on the time of cancellation as listed below. Therefore, students should
    consult with their academic advisors regarding their progress in graduation thesis/dissertation and theis/dissertation defense.

Time of Cancellation Amount
Before 2/4 of the semester 100 % refund
After 2/4 and before 3/4 of the semester 50% refund
After 3/4 of the semester No refund

Registration of Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I & II


 a. Eligibility
   1) For Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I, master’s students and doctoral students must have registered for at least three (3)
       semesters and two (2) semesters respectively.
   2) Only doctoral students who have completed their Dissertation Guidance I may register for Dissertation Guidance II.

b. Online registration procedure: The main school webpage Hot Link Link to course registration for graduate students General

c. Students need to confirm their registration for Thesis/Dissertation Guidance I and II from the course registration page of
    the [General Academic Information].

d. Important Notice
   1) The Thesis/Dissertation Guidance offered to students without academic advisors are not acknowledged. Students, 
       who are not assigned of academic advisors, must submit the ‘Request for Academic Advisor Form’ and to the Office
       of Registrar by the beginning of March (Spring semester) and September (Fall semester).
   2) Students will be evaluated by the thesis/dissertation proposal held in a public forum for the advisor’s review. Students are
       required to submit the ‘Evaluation of the Graduation Thesis/Dissertation Proposal’ (available at Graduate School webpage
       Thesis/Dissertation Forms #5) to the Graduate School’s Office of Registrar at the end of the semester
   3) Thesis/Dissertation Guidance courses carry no weight and do not count as accumulated hours. However, the completion
       of the course is required for the graduation with a passing grade of 70% (C).
   4) Registered students for Thesis/Dissertation Guidance will be graded ‘0’ and required to retake the course, if students fail
       to submit the ‘Evaluation of the Graduation Thesis/Dissertation Proposal.’
   5) Before the thesis defense, a master’s student must complete Thesis Guidance I.
   6) Doctoral students are required to complete Thesis Dissertation I and II to be eligible for the dissertation defense.

Requirements for the Completion of Coursework


a. Master’s degree
   1) Maintain registration for at least four (4) semesters
   2) Complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of graduate study (a minimum of 33 hours for students in the department of
       Area Studies, Archives and Information, and Global Culture & Contents)
   3) 6-12 credit hours of supplementary course work (if applicable)

b. Doctoral degree
   1) Maintain registration for at least four (4) semesters
   2) Complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of graduate study
   3) 9-12 credit hours of supplementary course work (if applicable)

Requirements for Graduation (Degree Conferral)


a. Master’s degree
   Before degree conferral is possible, all Master's candidates must:
   1) Maintain four (4) semesters of registration
   2) Complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of graduate study (a minimum of 33 hours for students in the department
       of Area Studies, Archives and Information, and Global Culture & Contents)
   3) Obtain a minimum grade point average of 3.0
   4) Complete 6-12 credit hours of supplementary course work (if applicable)
   5) Complete Thesis Guidance I
   6) Pass a comprehensive examination and proficiency test in foreign language
   7) Complete and defend an acceptable master's thesis
   8) Have completed the coursework less than 5 years ago

b. Doctoral degree
   Before degree conferral is possible, all Doctoral candidates must:
   1) Maintain four (4) semesters of registration
   2) Complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of graduate study
   3) Obtain a minimum grade point average of 3.0
   4) Complete 9-12 credit hours of supplementary course work (if applicable)
   5) Complete Dissertation Guidance I and II
   6) Pass a comprehensive examination and a proficiency test in foreign language
   7) Have completed the coursework less than 10 years ago
   8) Complete and defend an acceptable doctoral dissertation