DECO Dictionary

Lexicon-Grammar Table (LGT)

Lexicon-grammar is a methodology developed by Maurice Gross and the LADL research team based on the following principle: every verb has an almost unique set of syntactical properties. It uses simple sentences (subject-verb-objects) as dictionary entries. Hence, a full dictionary item is a simple sentence with a description of the corresponding distributional and transformational properties.


Its construction has led to an accumulation of linguistic information that should significantly bear on the procedures of automatic analysis of natural languages. Due to this, properties need to be systematically described, since it is impossible to predict the exact behavior of a verb. These descriptions are represented by matrices where rows correspond to verbs and columns to syntactical properties. The considered properties are formal such as the number and nature of complements of the verb and the different transformations the verb can proceed.

  • References
  •    ● Gross, Maurice. 1975. Méthodes en syntaxe. Paris: Hermann.

       ● Gross, Maurice. 1984. Lexicon-grammar and the syntactic analysis of French. In Proceedings of the 10th International

           Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING' 84), Stanford, CA.

       ● Boons, J.-P.; A. Guillet; Ch. Leclère. 1976. La structure des phrases simples en français: constructions intransitives.

           Genève: Droz.

       ● Boons, J.-P.; A. Guillet; Ch. Leclère. 1976. La structure des phrases simples en français: constructions transitives.

           Technical Report of LADL N-6. Paris.