

> 게시판 > 채용공고


글번호 : 188867850

작성일 : 24.09.13 | 조회수 : 141

제목 : [JNK Korea Global Total Service] Job platform for international students 글쓴이 : 외국인유학생종합지원센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


Hello! We are JNK Korea Global Total Service, a job platform for foreigners in Korea. Our goal is to help international students and foreigners living in Korea find good job opportunities and successfully settle into Korean society. 


We gather job openings from major companies like Samsung, SK, and LG, as well as from international organizations and embassies, and share them with our members. Through us, you can discover many exciting job opportunities here in Korea! 



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