Chair Professor
Kim, Jung Gil, Ph.D (Hanyang Univ.)Tax Law
Faculty Members in charge of Theoretical Legal Eduction
Ka, Jung Joon, S.J.D (Wisconsin Univ.)Civil Law
Kim, Dong Hoon, Ph.D (HUFS)Commercial Law
Kim, Seong Gyu, Dr. Jur (Freiburg Univ.)Criminal Law
Kim, Eun Kyung, Dr. Jur (Mannheim Univ.)Commercial Law
Kim, Chin Woo, Dr. Jur (Resensburg Univ.)Civil Law
Kim, Hak Tai, Dr. Jur (Saarbrucken Univ.)Philosophy of Law
Kim, Hae Ryoung, Dr. rer. puhl (Speyer Univ.)Administrative Law
Moon, Jae Wan, S.J.D (Indiana Univ.)Constitutional Law
Park, Young Bok, Dr. Jur (Gottingen Univ.)Civil Law
Park, Hee Ho, Dr. Jur (Tubingen Univ.)Civil Law
Byun, Hae Cheol, Dr. en droit (Paris II Univ.)Constitutional Law
Ahn, Soo Hyun, Ph.D (Seoul National Univ.)Commercial Law
Lee, Byung Jun, Ph.D (Tubingen Univ.)Civil Law
Lee, Eun Young, Dr. Jur (Tubingen Univ.)Civil Law
Lee, Jang Hie, Ph.D (Kiel Univ.)Cvil Law
Lee, John, Ph.D (Tokyo Univ.)Lbor Law
Lee, Hoon Dong, Ph.D (HUFS)Ciminal Law
Jeon, Hak Seon, Dr. en droit (Paris 11 Univ.)Cnstitutional Law
Choi, Seung Pil, Ph.D iur. (Wurzburg Univ.)Aministrative Law
Choi, Wan Jin, Ph.D (Korea Univ.)Cmmercial Law
Faculty Members in charge of Practical Legal Eduction
Kye, Kyong Moon, Ph.D (HUFS)Civil Procedural LawApplicants should have a Bachelor’s degree, or should be recognized by the Ministry of Education as having the equivalent qualifications
Admission Timetable
To be announced via web site(
Admission Requirements
- General Admission Process (95%): Legal Education Eligibility Test, Interview & Essay, Foreign Language Competency
(TOEFL, TOEIC, FLEX or equivalent tests recognized under the regulations of the Law School)
- Special Admission Process (5%): Special admission criteria under the regulation of the Law School for underprivileged candidates
- A minimum of 96 credit hours as required under the regulation
- Three years (six semesters) of residence, subject to the provisions of the regulation
- Candidates for the special master's degree in law may take a graduation exam upon obtaining approval from the dean instead of writing a dissertation, and only those passing such exam shall be deemed eligible for graduation.