

Graduate School of Business

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Admission Guide for CreativeㆍPower ㆍGlobal MBA

Admission for the second Semester, 2016 Graduate School of Business at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

1. Majors and Capacity

Course Type of Program Majors Capacity
MBA Creative MBA(Full-time) - Business
- Marketing
Power MBA(Part-time) - Business
Power ifMBA(Online course)
- International Finance
 (International Finance , International Business)
Global Business MBA
- Global Business

2. Eligibility for admission

- Applicants having obtained (or expected to obtain prior to starting date of proposed entry) a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in Korea or overseas.

※ Applicants can apply for a different major from their previous degrees.

※ Foreign applicants are required to have a TOPIK or KLPT Certificate or Korean Program from the Center for Korean Language and Culture at HUFS (level 3 or higher).

3. Application Procedure

- The application form for Creative MBA(Full-time), Power MBA(Part-time) or Global Business MBA(Weekend) must be filled in online, printed out, and submitted to the Graduate School Office of Business at HUFS during office hours.(09:00 ~ 22:00, Monday to Friday)

- For those who are interested in the Power if MBA(Online) course, please refer to the website : http://www.ifmba.ac.kr

A. Special Round

Date Venue N.B
Submission of Application Documents April 11th(Mon.) ~ May 18th(Wed.), 2016 The office of Graduate School of Business
(Office room 502 in Cyber Education Building)
Mails delivered by May 18th(Wed.), 2016 are considered valid
Interview May 28th(Sat.), 2016 *14:00 ~ >Examination hall at HUFS
(notified prior to interview)
All applicants must take part in the interview
Announcement June 13th(Mon.), 2016 *14:00 ~ MBA Website
Registration June 14th(Tue.) ~ June 24th(Fri.), 2016 Any branch of Woori Bank

B. General Round

Date Venue N.B
Submission of Application Documents May 23th(Mon.) ~ July 6th(Wed.), 2016 The office of Graduate School of Business
(Office room 502 in Cyber Education Building)
Mails delivered by July 6th(Wed.), 2016 are considered valid
Interview July 16th(Sat.), 2016 *14:00 ~ Examination hall at HUFS
(notified prior to interview)
All applicants must take part in the interview
Announcement August 1st(Mon.), 2016 *14:00 ~ MBA Website
Registration August 2nd(Tue.) ~ August 4th(Thu.), 2016 Any branch of Woori Bank

4. Selection Process: Document evaluation & Interview

5. Application Fee: 75,000 Korean won

6. Required Documents

- Application Form (submitted online as well as printed copy) 1

- A university/college diploma certificate and transcripts (Grades by Percentage) 1

※ Korean verification by related embassy needed for foreign college graduates.

※ Visit the Confucius Institute in Seoul for Chinese college verification.

- Research Proposal (Download)

- Confirmation copy of Application fee deposited (ATM, Internet Banking receipts all acceptable) 1.

- Other Documents : Reference, Certificate of Career, Licenses, A Copy of Foreign Language Proficiency (within two years of application date) (if applicable).

※ If a copy is submitted, please bring original to the interview.

7. Benefits

- Students with high grades on the entrance exam will be offered a scholarship.

8. Others

- Sign the application form.

- Bring an identification document to the interview

- Submitted documents will not be returned.

9. Contact Details for Further Information

- Tel :           Full-time Programs ................ +82-2-2173-2399

Evening Programs ................. +82-2-2173-2409

Online Programs ................... +82-2-725-0073

Weekend Programs .............. +82-2-2173-2399 / 2173-2409

- Fax :         02) 2173-3389

- Address :  Office of Registrar, Graduate School of Business at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 270, Imun-Dong, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul 130-791, Korea

Graduate School of Business
Creative MBA TEL. +82-2-2173-2399   Power MBA TEL. +82-2-2173-2408~9   E-Mail. hufsmba@hufs.ac.kr
